Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1


A.SeeAmpere; Helmholtz energy
Ab initio methods, for computational
chemistry, 906–908
Abel, Niels Henrik, 898
Abelian, 898, 1296
Absolute entropy, 140–141
statistical entropy and, 144–145
Absolute potentials, 352, 364
Absolute specificity, of enzymes, 576
Absolute temperature scale, for
thermodynamic and ideal gas
temperatures, 112
Absolute value, 1246
Absolute zero, unattainability of, 139–140,
140f, 148
Absorbance, 957
Absorption, of radiation, 953
Absorption spectroscopy, 954–956, 955f
Beer–Lambert law, 956–957f, 956–958
Boltzmann factor for, 953
photoacoustic spectroscopy, 993
quantum mechanics of spectroscopic
transitions, 951–955, 954–955f
Absorptivity, 957
Acetylcholine, inhibition of, 580, 580f
Acid catalysis, general, 574–575
Activated complex, 1108, 1108f
Activated complex theory
Arrhenius preexponential factor, 1114
assumptions for, 1109
for dilute gas, 1106–1115
potential energy surfaces, 1107–1108,
trajectory calculations, 1108–1109
potential energy surface of, 1109–1110,
reaction rate in, 1110– 1111
stretch of, 1109–1110

Activation energy
in activation overpotential, 604
in Arrhenius relation, 533
in liquid-phase reactions, 538–539
in potential energy surfaces, 1108, 1108f
Active site, of enzymes, 345–346, 576, 576f
Active transport, in biological systems,
347, 347f
concentration and, 265–266
definition of, 258–259
of electrolyte solutes, 237
isopiestic method for, 267
molality and, 264–265
of nonideal gas, 260
of nonvolatile solutes, 267–274
Debye–Hückel theory, 270–274
Gibbs–Duhem integration, 267–270
of pure solid or liquid, 259
of solutes, 315
of solutions, 260–264
convention I, 260–262
convention II, 262–264
of solvents, 315
Activity coefficient
concentration and, 265–266
definition of, 260
of electrolyte solutes, 237
mean ionic, 268
molality and, 264–265
of neutral electrolyte, 272
of nonideal gas, 260
of solutions, 260–264
convention I, 260–262
convention II, 262–264
of water ionization, 322–323
Activity quotient, of electrochemical
cells, 308, 358
Addition polymers, 590

Adenosine triphosphate (ATP), hydrolysis
of, 343–344, 343f
active transport, 347, 347f
PEP hydrolysis and, 344–345
Adiabatic chemical reactions, enthalpy
calculation for, 91–93, 92f
Adiabatic compressibility, 172
Adiabatic process(es), 12–13
absolute zero and, 139–140, 140f
entropy changes for, 117–119, 118f
cycle with, 115–116, 115–116f
for energy and heat change
calculation, 67–71, 68f
intersection of, 117
Adiabatic system, 12–13
isolated system, 152
Adsorption.SeeChemical adsorption
Aerosols, 233
Allotropy, 200
Allowed transition, of dipole moment, 953
Ammonia,sp^3 hybrid orbitals of, 875
Amorphous solids, 1154
Ampere (A), 8, 621
Ampère, Andre-Marie, 1002
Ampère’s law, 1002
amu.SeeAtomic mass unit
Angstrom (Å), 8
Angular coordinates, 937, 937f
Angular factor, in relative Schrödinger
equation, 730
Angular momentum
of electrons, 648
intrinsic, 755–759, 757f
orbital, 725, 742, 755
of helium atom, 774–780
relative Schrödinger equation and, 729–736
theΦfunctions, 731–732
first separation of variables, 730
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