Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1
1352 Index

Angular momentum (cont.)
theΘfunctions, 733
second separation of variables, 730–731
values, 733–736, 735f
of rigid object, 935
uncertainty product of, 713
vector, 1270f, 1271
vector addition of, 775, 776f
Angular momentum projection quantum
number.SeeMagnetic quantum number
Angular momentum quantum number.See
Azimuthal quantum number
Angular speed, sedimentation and, 472
Anode, of electrochemical cells, 355, 355f
Anomalous g factor of electron, 1007
Antibonding molecular orbital, 826
Anticompetitive inhibitor, 580
Anti-Stokes lines, 986
Antisymmetric space factor, 812
Antisymmetrization, in
Hartree–Fock–Roothaan method, 798
Antisymmetrized wave function
atoms with more than three electrons, 785
beryllium hydride, 869
helium, 768
lithium, 782
Slater determinant, 782
Apparent rate constant, in method
of isolation, 504
Argand plane, 1247, 1247f
Argon, Lennard-Jones potential of, 420, 420f
Arrhenius preexponential factor, in activated
complex theory, 1114
Arrhenius relation
in activation overpotential, 603
collision theory and, 537
in gas-phase reactions, 533–534
in liquid-phase reactions, 538–539
Arrhenius, Svante, 533, 1114
Associated Laguerre equation, 737–738
Associated Laguerre functions, 740
Associated Laguerre polynomials, 740
Associated Legendre equation, 733, 1280
Associated Legendre functions, 733, 1280
Associative, operator multiplication, 686
Asymmetric stretch, 939
Asymmetric top, 934
Atmosphere (atm), 8
Atomic mass unit (amu), 9
Atomic nature of matter, 640–641

Atomic nucleus, 640–641
Atomic number, in periodic table
of elements, 814
Atomic size, periodic table of elements
and, 817
Atomic theory, 640
electronic angular momentum of, 774
electronic states of
angular momentum in helium
atom, 774–780
central force system, 726–729
degenerate perturbation theory, 803–805,
density functional method, 805–806
expectation values, 749–753
higher-order approximations, 789–820
Hund’s rules, 812–813
hydrogen atom, 725–760
intrinsic angular momentum of electron,
755–759, 757f
lithium atom, 781–783
more than three electrons, 784–785,
more than two electrons, 806–808
periodic table of elements, 813–818,
815–816f, 820
perturbation method and helium
application, 799–802, 800f
radial factor, 736–740, 744f
relative Schrödinger equation, 729–736
self-consistent field method, 796–799
summary of, 759–760
time-dependent wave functions, 753–755
variation method and helium application,
zero-order approximation for
multielectron atoms, 763–786
energy levels of, 950–951
spectra of, 959–960, 959f
hydrogen, 959–960, 959f
multielectron, 960
translational states of, 916–918
AT P.SeeAdenosine triphosphate
Aufbau principle
electron configurations and, 809–810f,
809–812, 811t
Slater determinant, 783
Autocatalysis, 585–587, 615
in oscillatory chemical reactions, 588–589
rate law of, 586–587

Average, 384
Average probability distribution
for dilute gas, 1048
of vibrational states of four harmonic
oscillators, 1043–1044, 1045f, 1045t
Avogadro, Lorenzo Romano Amadeo, 9
Avogadro’s constant, 9
calculation of, 469
Azeotrope, 282
liquid and vapor curves at, 1262–1263
Azeotropic mixture, 283
Azimuthal quantum number, 739

Balmer series, for hydrogen radiation,
650, 650f
Band gap, of semiconductors, 1172–1173,
Band theory, of crystalline solid electronic
structure, 1172–1175, 1173f, 1206
electrical conductors and insulators,
1172, 1173f
ferromagnetism, 1174–1175, 1175f
semiconductors, 1172–1174, 1173–1174f
Base catalysis, specific, 574–575
Base-centered lattice, 1155t, 1156, 1156f
Basis functions, 694
Basis, of crystal, 1154
Bathorhodopsin, 983
Beckman, Arnold, 374
Beer–Lambert law, 949, 956–957f, 956–958
Bell, Alexander Graham, 993
Bell curve, 399, 399f
Belousov–Zhabotinskii reaction (BZ), 587
oregonator and, 589
Bending modes, 939
liquid-vapor pressure-composition,
244, 244f
naphthalene in solution with,
246–247, 247f
orbital energies in, 888, 888f
orbital regions in, 889, 889f
partial vapor pressure, 240, 240f
valence-bond wave function for, 885–886
Bernoulli, Daniel, 387
Berthelot equation of state, 23, 23t
Berthelot, Pierre Eugene Marcelin, 154
Beryllium hydride, 868–871, 868f
bonding orbitals of, 870–871
Hartree–Fock–Roothaan calculation for,
868–869, 868t
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