Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

Index 1353

orbital regions of, 869, 869f
Slater determinant for, 869–870
Beryllium molecule
electron configuration of, 843
LCAOMOs for, 843
Berzelius, Jons Jakob, 566
Bimolecular process
gas collision theory of, 523–526
liquid-phase reactions, 528–532
Binnig, Gerd, 1205
Binomial coefficient, 1050
Biological buffering, 333–334
Biological systems, chemical equilibrium
and, 343–347
active transport, 347, 347f
ATP hydrolysis, 343–344
PEP hydrolysis, 344–345
Black, Joseph, 51
Blackbody radiation
Planck’s theory for, 643–645, 643f
Rayleigh–Jeans theory for, 641–642, 642f
Stefan–Boltzmann law for, 641
Blackbody, spectral radiant emittance of,
641, 642f
Block-diagonal matrix, 1295
Body-centered lattice, 1155t, 1156, 1156f
Bohr frequency rule, for photons, 949–950
Bohr magneton, 1007
Bohr, Niels Henrik David, 647
Bohr radius, 648, 648f, 738
Bohr’s theory of hydrogen atom, 646–650,
associated Laguerre equation and, 737–738
assumptions for, 647
electron energy levels, 648–650, 649–650f
electron orbit radius, 648, 648f
energy eigenvalue of relative motion, 725
line spectrum, 646–647
Boiling point elevation, 295–296
Boiling point elevation constant, 296
Boltzmann distribution, of vibrational states of
four harmonic oscillators, 1043–1044,
1045f, 1045t
Boltzmann, entropy, 105
Boltzmann factor, for absorption
spectroscopy, 953
Boltzmann, Ludwig, 9, 387
Boltzmann probability distribution
for blackbody radiation, 643
for dilute gas, 1061–1062

for molecular states, 942, 945–947
with one-body forces, 419
Boltzmann’s constant, 9, 105, 133
Bomb calorimeter, 96–97, 97f
Bond energies
average, 99–100, 863t
in chemical reactions, 99–100
Bonding, 859–861, 860f
Bonding molecular orbital, 826
Bonding orbitals, of beryllium hydride,
Born, Max, 824
Born–Oppenheimer approximation,
805, 823, 865
for boron hydride, 871–872
helium molecule, 842–843
hydrogen molecule, 838–839
hydrogen molecule ion, 824–827, 824f,
additional excited states, 836–837,
LCAOMOs for, 833–835, 835f
lithium hydride, 851–852
molecular orbitals
angular momentum properties, 827
symmetry properties, 827–830, 829f
for Schrödinger equation, 823–824, 824f
symmetry operators, 830–832
for triple bonds, 879–880
vibration and, 924–925
vibrational selection rules, 964
Born–Oppenheimer energy, 824–825, 824f,
Boron hydride, 871–872, 872f
Bose, Satyendra Nath, 767
Bosons, 767, 930
Bound states, of energy eigenvalues, 738
Boundary condition, 633
Boyle temperature, 24, 24f
Bragg equation, for solids, 1159f, 1160
Bragg, Sir William Henry, 1160
Branching-chain reactions, 560–561
Bravais lattices, 1154–1158, 1155t,
British thermal unit (Btu), 53
Brønsted, Johannes Nicolas, 273
Brønsted theory, 273–274
Brown, Robert, 469
Brownian motion, 469
Btu.SeeBritish thermal unit
Buckyball, 1205–1206

Buffer solution(s), 331–334
biological, 333–334
definition of, 331
Henderson–Hasselbalch equation, 332
principle of Le Châtelier with, 340
Butadiene, Hückel calculations for, 890, 890f
Butler–Volmer equation, for overpotential,
BZ.SeeBelousov–Zhabotinskii reaction

Calomel electrode
of electrochemical cells, 361, 362f
for pH measurement, 372–373, 373f
Caloric theory of heat, 51, 55
Calorie (cal), 8, 52
DSC, 287–288
for enthalpy change of formation
calculation, 96–99, 97f
Candela (cd), 8, 621
Canonical ensembles, 1122–1128, 1122f
of classical statistical mechanics,
thermodynamic functions in, 1141–1146
dilute gas in, 1130–1132, 1131f
classical, 1135–1137
partition function, 1124–1128
probability distribution, 1122–1124
thermodynamic functions in, 1128–1130
classical, 1141–1146
Canonical orbitals, beryllium hydride, 869
Canonical partition function, 1124–1128
classical, 1134
Canonical probability distribution,
Capacitor, electrical double layer as, 599
Capillary, surface tension in, 225, 226f
Caratheodory, Constantin, 117
Caratheodory’s theorem, derivation
of, 1261–1262
Carbon monoxide
bonding in, 860–861
spectrum of, 962, 963f
Carnot cycle
of Carnot heat engine, 107–108, 108f
line integral for, 115
temperature and, 111
Carnot efficiency
calculation of, 108
with thermodynamic temperature, 111
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