Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

1354 Index

Carnot heat engine, 106–110
Carnot cycle of, 107–108, 108f
coefficient of performance of, 109, 112–113
Carnot heat pump, 109–110, 109f
Cartesian components
for classical mechanics, 621
infinitesimal volume element in,
1239, 1240f
of position vector, 387
Cartesian coordinates
Lagrangian mechanics, 1270–1271,
for mechanical variables, 688
operator transformation from, 690–691
Schrödinger equation in, 661–662, 729–730
Cartesian tensor, 1243–1244
Catalysis, 566–580, 615
enzyme, 575–576
inhibition of, 580, 580f
Michaelis–Menten mechanisms,
577–580, 578–579f
heterogenous, 566–572
Langmuir theory of adsorption,
566–568f, 566–570
rate of, 570–572, 572f
homogenous, 573–575
gas-phase, 573–574
in solution, 574–575
Catalysts, 565–566
Cathode, of electrochemical cells, 355, 355f
Cathode rays, 640
Cavities, vapor pressure and, 229
Cell diagram, 354, 355f
Cell model, for liquids, 1186–1187
Cell potential, 361–369
cell voltage temperature dependence,
of cells with liquid junctions, 365–366f,
of concentration cells, 367–368, 367–368f
standard-state, 362–363f, 362–364
Cell reaction equation, of electrochemical
cells, 355
Cell symbol, 356
Cell voltage (E), 357–358
Debye–Hückel theory for, 360
temperature dependence of, 368–369
Cell with transference, 365
Center-of-mass coordinates, 726, 1272
Laplacian operator, 920

Centimeter-gram-second units (cgs), 8
Central-force system
energy eigenfunction for, 730, 736–737
hydrogen atom and, 725–729, 726f, 728f
Centrifugal force, 1270–1271
Centripetal force, 1271
cgs.SeeCentimeter-gram-second units
Chain carriers, in chain reactions, 556
Chain length, of chain reactions, 557
Chain propagation steps, of chain
reactions, 556
Chain reactions, 556–561
branching-chain, 560–561
hydrogen reaction with halogens, 559–560
photochemical, 558–560, 981
Chain rule, 1236
Chain termination steps, of chain
reactions, 556
Characters, of matrices, 1296
Charge transfer resistance,
in overpotential, 606
Chemical adsorption
classes of, 569
on electrode surface, 597
Langmuir isotherm for, 569
Langmuir theory of adsorption, 566–568f,
Langmuir–Hinshelwood mechanism,
571–572, 572f
Langmuir–Rideal mechanism, 571
Chemical equations, as thermodynamic
equations, 304
Chemical equilibrium, 303–348
biological systems and, 343–347
active transport, 347, 347f
ATP hydrolysis, 343–344
PEP hydrolysis, 344–345
buffer solutions, 331–334
biological, 333–334
chemical reactions involving gases and pure
solids or liquids, 310–313
in dilute gas, 1101–1105
Gibbs energy changes and equilibrium
constant, 304–310
with reaction rates, 507–509
in solutions, 315–326
electrolyte solutes, 318–320
water ionization, 320–326
in strong electrolytes, 328–331
summary for, 348
temperature dependence of, 335–340

Chemical lasers, for molecular beam reactions,
612, 613f
Chemical potential, 151, 182, 202.See also
Molar Gibbs energy
chemical part of, 353, 353f
of dilute gas, statistical thermodynamics,
1087–1088, 1099–1100
of dilute solution, 250–251, 253, 255, 258
electric potential and, 351–353,
357–358, 378
equilibrium, 353, 353f
of ideal solutions, 238–239, 258
of ions, 268
of molality standard state, 253
of multicomponent systems,
182–185, 184
of one-component systems, 208
ideal gas, 186–187, 258
relations for, 258
standard state, 265
two-phase system, 202
Chemical properties, periodic table of
elements and, 816–817
Chemical reaction(s), 86
in electrochemical cell, 351, 374–375
energy change calculations of, 94–100
enthalpy calculation for, 86–93
enthalpy calculation without, 81–85
entropy calculations for, 141–142
equations for, 86–87, 486
equilibrium of, 486–487, 487f
Gibbs–Helmholtz equation, 179
involving gases and pure solids or liquids,
oscillatory, 565, 587–589
description of, 587
Lotka–Volterra mechanism, 587–588
mechanisms of, 588–589
rate law of, 485
rates of (SeeChemical reaction rates)
reaction mechanism for, 510–512, 511f
(See alsoReaction mechanisms)
concerted, 524
rate constant temperature dependence,
sequential, 524
temperature dependence of, 485, 524–525
thermodynamics of, 304–310
Chemical reaction rates, 485–522
of bimolecular processes
activated complex theory, 1106–1115
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