Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

Index 1355

gas phase, 523–526
liquid phase, 528–530
competing reactions, 513–514
fast reaction experimental study, 515–520
flash photolysis method, 516, 517f
flow techniques, 515, 516f
pressure-jump method, 516–520, 518f
relaxation techniques, 515–520
shock-tube method, 515–516
temperature-jump method,
516–520, 518f
forward reactions
with more than one reactant, 499–505
with one reactant, 488–497
of heterogenously catalyzed reactions,
570–572, 572f
in liquids, 527–528
macroscopic description of, 486–487, 487f
reverse reaction inclusion, 507–509, 508f
simple reaction mechanism, 510–512, 511f
summary for, 521–522
Chemical shift, in NMR, 1016
Chemiluminescence, for molecular beam
reactions, 612
Chemisorption.SeeChemical adsorption
Chromophore, 978
Circular birefringence, 995
Circular dichroism, 993–996, 994–995f
Circular frequency, 969–970
Circularly polarized light, 994–995f
Clapeyron, Benoi-Pierre-Emile, 208
Clapeyron equation, 208–210, 234
Classical canonical partition function, 1134
Classical Hamiltonian, 688, 1134, 1272
for hydrogen atom, 727
Classical mechanics, 619–628, 1267–1274
classical waves, 629–639
harmonic oscillator, 623–628, 623f,
Newton’s law of motion, 622–623
quantum mechanicsvs., 620
correspondence principle of, 702
particle encounters, 767
summary for, 652
units of measurement, 621–622
Classical molecular partition function, 1136
quantum partition functionsvs., 1137–1140
Classical statistical mechanics, 1133–1140
canonical ensemble, 1133–1135
dilute gases in, 1135–1137
thermodynamic functions in, 1141–1146

classicalvs. quantum partition functions,
1137–1140, 1138f
of dense gases and liquids, 1147–1150
liquid structure, 1184–1185, 1185f
phase space, 1133
Classical wave equation(s), 619
for electromagnetic radiation, 1275–1276
Fourier coefficients for, 635–636
Fourier sine series for, 635
principle of superposition for, 635–636,
Classical waves, 629–639
electromagnetic radiation theory, 638–639,
flexible string, 631–636
traveling waves, 636–638
Clausius equation, phase diagrams
and, 199
Clausius, Rudolf Julius Emmanuel, 106
Clausius statement, 106, 147
heat pump and, 109–110
Clausius–Clapeyron equation, 210–212, 235
phase diagrams and, 199
Closed fluid system, work done on, 41–43
Closed system(s), 12
entropy changes of isothermal reversible
processes in, 121–122
equilibrium state of, 155–157, 155f
maximum work of, 156–157
Maxwell relations, 159–166
spontaneous processes in, 152–154
Close-packed lattice, 1156–1157
Cluster integrals, 1147
CNDO.SeeComplete neglect of differential
Coefficient linear thermal expansion, 18–19
Coefficient of performance, of a heat pump,
109, 112–113
Coefficient of thermal expansion, 17–19
heat capacity and, 170
internal pressure and, 168–169
Coexistence curves, 27, 27f, 205–206
Coherent radiation, 953
Colligative properties, 237, 292–299
boiling point elevation, 295–296
freezing point depression, 292–295
osmotic pressure, 297–298, 297f
vapor pressure lowering, 296
Collision cross section, in collision
theory, 525

Collision cylinder
in hard-sphere gas molecular collisions,
426–427, 426f
in multicomponent collisions, 430
Collision diameter, in collision theory, 538
Collision theory
of bimolecular elementary processes in
gases, 524–526, 535–538, 535f
for gas-phase reactions, 523
integration of, 1265
Colloids, 233
diffusion coefficient of, 469
Column numbering, of periodic table of
elements, 814, 815f
Common logarithm, 322
Commutation, facts about, 687
Commutative, operator multiplication, 686
Commutator, 686, 690
Compact layer, of ions, 597
Competitive inhibitor, 580
Complete neglect of differential
overlap (CNDO), for computation
chemistry, 906
Complete set, LCAOMOs, 833
Complex conjugate, 1246
of function, 692
Complex quantities, 1246–1247, 1247f
Components, 203–204
of ideal solutions, 237
in thermodynamic systems, 182
Compression factor, 24, 24f
of examples gases, 34–35, 34f
van der Waals equation of, 31–34
Compression processes, work in, 47
Compression work, 42, 156
Computational chemistry, 904–911
ab initio methods, 906–908
coupled-cluster method, 908–909
density functional method, 908
extended Hückel method, 904–905
molecular mechanics, 909
Møller-Plesset perturbation method, 908
Pariser–Pople–Parr method, 905–906
quantum chemistry software for, 909–911
semiempirical methods, 904, 906, 907t
Computer simulations, of liquid structure,
Concentration cells, cell potential of, 367–368,
Concentration gradient, for diffusion,
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