Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

1356 Index

Concentration overpotential, 600–602,
600f, 602f
Concerted mechanism, of chemical
reactions, 524
Condensation polymers, 590
Condensed phases, 200
Conductivity, 475–476
limiting molar, 480
Cone cells, in vision, 983
Configuration integral, 1135
Configuration interaction method, 799, 808
Congruent melting, 288–289
Conjugate acid, of a weak base, 326
Conjugate base, of a weak acid, 325
Conjugate momentum, in Hamiltonian
mechanics, 1271
Conservation of energy, harmonic oscillator
and, 627
Constant of the motion, 389, 627, 774
Constant pressure heat capacity, 51, 75–77
constant volume heat capacityvs., 76
Constant pressure system, 153
Constant volume heat capacity, 51, 61
constant pressure heat capacityvs., 76
Constant-boiling mixture.SeeAzeotropic
Constant-pressure conditions
enthalpy in, 74
heat capacity at, 75–77
Constant-pressure processes
enthalpy change calculations in, 81–84
work in, 45–46
Constant-temperature, chemical reactions at,
energy and enthalpy changes, 86–91
Constructive interference, of classical
waves, 629
Contact angle, surface tension and, 225–227,
Continuous spectrum, of eigenvalues, 662
Continuous wave, NMR, 1014
Continuous-flow method, for fast reaction
study, 515
Convolution theorem, 1256
Cooling curves, of copper and silver, 287,
Cooper pair, 1183
Coordinate operator, eigenfunction of, 695
Coordinate wave function, 660, 662
Coordination number, of lattice, 1156–1157
cooling curves of, 287, 287f

phase diagram of, 285–286, 285–286f
with lanthanum, 289–290, 289f
Correlation coefficient, in reaction order
determination, 495
Correlation diagram
for homonuclear diatomic molecules,
844–845, 845f
for lithium hydride, 852, 853f
for water, 876–877, 876f
Correlation energy, 799
Correlation error, 799
Correlation Spectroscopy (COSY),
1028–1032, 1028–1032f
Correspondence limit, 1134
Correspondence principle, of classical and
quantum mechanics, 702
COSY.SeeCorrelation Spectroscopy
de Coulomb, Charles Augustin, 270, 648
Coulomb integral, 798
Coulomb’s law, 270, 648
hydrogen atom, 726
Counter electrode, for electrode study,
602, 602f
Counter electromotive force, 354
Coupled-cluster method, for computational
chemistry, 908–909
Coupling constant, 1011–1012
Coupling, of reactions, 343
active transport, 347, 347f
ATP hydrolysis, 344–345
Covalent bonds
electronegativity, 862–863
nonpolar, 881
polar, 856
single, 839
CP.SeeSpecific heat capacity
Crest, of classical waves, 629
Critical constants, 28
Critical energy, in collision theory, 536
Critical molar volume, 28
Critical point, 28
coexistence of phases and, 27–35, 27f
fluid properties at, 28–29, 30f, 32–33, 33f
of liquid-vapor transition, 218–219, 218f
Critical pressure, 28
van der Waals equation of state and, 31–32
compression factor at, 33–34
Critical speed, in collision theory, 535–536
Critical temperature, 28
Cross product, of vectors, 1243
Cross-effects, of transport processes, 445

Crystal defects, 1161, 1161f
Crystal lattice, 1154
Crystal systems, 1154–1158, 1155t,
Crystal vibrations, 1162–1170
Debye crystal model, 1165–1170, 1166f,
Einstein crystal model, 1163–1165, 1164f,
Crystalline solid, 1154
electronic structure of, 1171–1179
band theory, 1172–1175, 1173f, 1206
free-electron theory, 1175–1179, 1176f
vibrations of, 1162–1170
Debye crystal model, 1165–1170, 1166f,
Einstein crystal model, 1163–1165,
1164f, 1206
Curie temperature, ferromagnetism, 1174
Current (I), in Ohm’s law, 475
Current density, 476
in activation overpotential, 605
in concentration overpotential, 601
magnitude of, 477
Current flow, in electrochemical cell, 351
CV.SeeHeat capacity
Cycle rule, 15, 1237
Cyclic processes
of Kelvin statement, 106
reversible, 114–116, 115–116f
Cylindrically symmetric
methane, 874, 874f
orbital regions, 747, 748f, 825–826, 826f

d subshell, 742
Dalton, John, 4, 640
Dalton’s law of partial pressures, 130
for dilute gas, 415
for ideal gases, 187
two-component ideal solutions, 244
Daniell cell, 365–366, 365f
with salt bridge, 367
Davies equation, 274, 299
Davy, Sir Humphrey, 596
De Broglie, Prince Louis Victor, 654
De Broglie waves, 654–656, 655f, 680
electron diffraction, 656, 657f
hydrogen-like orbitals, 743
matter waves, 654–655, 655f
Schrödinger equation and, 666–667
Debye crystal model, 1165–1170, 1166f, 1169f
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