Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

1358 Index

Dilute gas (cont.)
translational and electronic partition
functions, 1065–1066
vibrational partition functions,
1069–1070, 1074–1075
pressure of, 411–415
mixture of gases, 415
Newton’s third law, 412
in prism, 413–414, 414f
trajectory of, 412, 412f
probability distribution for, 1047–1054
average distribution, 1048
most probable distribution, 1048–1054
second model of, 383
statistical thermodynamics of, 1082–1088
chemical potential, 1087–1088,
electronic energy, 1090–1091
enthalpy, 1086
entropy, 1082–1084, 1095–1098
Gibbs energy, 1088
heat capacity, 1086, 1093–1095
Helmholtz energy, 1087, 1098–1099
internal energy, 1089
pressure, 1084–1085
rotational energy, 1091
translational energy, 1090
vibrational energy, 1091–1092
working equations, 1089–1100
transport processes of, 441
Dilute occupation, 1126
Dilute solution(s)
activity coefficients of, 270–274
chemical potential, 250–251, 253, 255
composition measures, 252–255
definition of, 249
equilibrium constant, 316–317
freezing point depression, 292–295
Henry’s law and, 253
nonelectrolyte solutes, 237
Raoult’s law and, 256–257
solubility of gas in liquid, 255–256
solute distribution in two solvents,
solutes in, 254
Dipole moment, 855–858
allowed transition of, 953
expression for, 857–858
group theory and, 902–903
Dirac delta function, 695
Dirac equation, spin, 755

Dirac, P. A. M., 755
Discrete spectrum, of eigenvalues, 662
Disorder, randomnessvs., 137–138
Dispersion, of electromagnetic radiation,
954, 954f
Displacement, with work, 41, 41f
Dissociation energy, 825, 926
Distillation, 246, 246f
Distribution constant, 251
Distributive, operator multiplication and
addition, 686
Divergence, of vector, 1244
Dot product, 1241–1243
Double bond, hybrid orbitals of, 878–879
Drift velocities, of electrolyte solutes, 476
Driving force, 16, 445
Drude model, 1179–1183
DSC.SeeDifferential scanning calorimetry
Duhem, Pierre-Maurice-Marie, 154
Dulong, Pierre Louis, 77
Dyadic, 1243–1244
Dynamical electron correlation, 795

E.SeeCell voltage
Effective radius, for transport processes,
analysis of, 416–417
definition of, 416
Graham’s law of effusion, 416
Eigenfunction, 662
of coordinate operator, 695
of hermitian operators, 693–694,
709, 1248
measurement of state of system, 717–718
after, 718–719
prior to, 719–720
orbitals, 741–742
spin functions, 758
Eigenvalue, 662
of hermitian operator, 1247–1248
measurement of state of system, 717–718
after, 718–719
prior to, 719–720
Eigenvalue equations, 662–663
Einstein, Albert, 645
Einstein crystal model, 1163–1165,
1164f, 1206
Einstein temperature, 1164–1165
Einsteins, of photons, 559, 951, 981
Einstein’s theory of photoelectric effect, 645

Electric current
description of, 354
direction of, 1002
Electric dipole transitions, 951
photons and, 953
time-dependent perturbation theory
for, 951–953
Electric displacement, 1275
Electric field, 352, 1275
magnetic field and, 639, 639f
Electric potential
chemical potential and, 351–353
definition of, 352
between two metallic phases, 353, 353f
Electrical conduction, in electrolyte
solutions, 475–481
effects, 479
ion mobility, 478–479
Kohlrausch’s laws, 480
molar conductivity, 480–481, 481f
single electrolyte, 477–478
Electrical conductivity, of solutions
of ions, 441
Electrical conductors, crystalline solids as,
1172, 1173f
Electrical double layer, 596–599
as capacitor, 599
charge density, 599, 599f
of ions, 597, 598f
Electrical force, frictional force and, 477
Electrical insulators, crystalline solids as,
1172, 1173f
Electrical resistance, in solids, 1179–1184
superconductivity, 1183–1184
Electrochemical cell(s), 354–361
chemical potential of, 357–358
chemical reactions in, 351
diagram of, 354–355, 355f
electric potential of, 357
equations for, 355–356
with finite currents, 596–599, 598f
half-cell and cell potentials, 361–369
without liquid junction, 354
Nernst equation for, 359–360
with liquid junctions, cell potential of,
365–366f, 365–367
measuring of, 356
Nernst equation for, 358–360
nonequilibrium, 565
phases of, 354
process of, 355
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