Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

Index 1359

Electrochemical potential, 353
Electrochemical systems, thermodynamics
of, 351–378
activities and activity coefficients of
electrolytes, 371–374
chemical potential and electric potential,
electrochemical cells, 354–361
half-cell potentials and cell potentials,
summary for, 378
thermodynamic information from
electrochemistry, 374–376
Electrochemistry, thermodynamic information
from, 374–376, 378
Electrode, overpotential currents at,
605–606, 606f
Electrode potential, absolute, 364
adsorption on, 597
concentration overpotential for, 601–602,
of electrochemical cells, 354
exchange current of, 600
hydrogen ions reduction at, 607
rates of processes at, 599–600
reversibility of, 600
Electrolyte solutes
activities of, 237
hydrogen ions, 372–374, 373f
nonvolatile, 371–372
vapor pressure, 371
activity coefficient of, 237, 270–274
nonvolatile, 371–372
vapor pressure, 371
drift velocities of, 476
freezing point depression, 294
Gibbs–Duhem integration
with, 268
mean ionic activity coefficients of,
273, 273f
reactions with, 318–320
Electrolyte solutions
electrical conduction in, 475–481
effects, 479
ion mobility, 478–479
Kohlrausch’s laws, 480
molar conductivity, 480–481, 481f
single electrolyte, 477–478
frictional coefficient in, 477–479
ion pairs and, 330–331

Electrolytic cells
description of, 354, 378
near equilibrium, 596, 596f
Electromagnetic radiation
classical wave equations for, 1275–1276
dispersion of, 954, 954f
spectrum of, 950–951, 950t
wave theory of, 638–639, 639f
Electron(s), 640–641
angular momentum of, 648
kinetic energy of, 649
orbital angular momentum of, 725,
742, 755
passing through two slits, 656, 657f
potential energy of, 648
probability density of, 758
properties of, 647
quantized energy levels of, 649
spin of, 725, 755–759, 757f
directions of, 757, 757f
symmetry operator, 897
wave functions for two, 766–767,
776–780, 779t
work function and, 645
Electron configurations
Aufbau principle and, 809–810f,
809–812, 811t
of beryllium molecule, 843
of homonuclear diatomic molecules,
845, 846t
of lithium molecule, 843
orbital wave functions, 772
Electron geometry, VSEPR and, 877
Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR).See
Electron spin resonance
Electron spin magnetic dipole, 1007–1008
Electron spin resonance (ESR), 1010–1013,
1013f, 1032
magnetic dipole transition and, 951, 1011
microwave radiation for, 1012
Pauli exclusion principle and, 1011
spectrum for, 1012–1013, 1013f
Electron wave function, for multielectron
atoms, 763
Electronegativity, 862–863, 863t, 866
Electron-electron repulsion, in multielectron
atoms, 763, 789
Electronic angular momentum, of atom, 774
Electronic energy
of dilute gas, statistical thermodynamics,

for electronic ground state, 925
for LCAOMOs, 834–835, 835f
Electronic factor, 916, 932
Electronic Hamiltonian, 825
symmetry operators with, 831
Electronic motion, 728, 728f
Electronic partition functions, 1057
calculation of, diatomic gases,
1065–1066, 1066f
Electronic Schrödinger equation, 825
Electronic spectra
of diatomic molecules, 972–974, 974f
of polyatomic molecules, 978
Electronic states
of atoms
angular momentum in helium
atom, 774–780
central force system, 726–729
degenerate perturbation theory, 803–805,
density functional method, 805–806
expectation values, 749–753
Hund’s rules, 812–813
hydrogen atom, 725–760
intrinsic angular momentum of electron,
755–759, 757f
lithium atom, 781–783
more than three electrons, 784–785
periodic table of elements, 789, 813–818,
815–816f, 820
perturbation method and helium
application, 799–802, 800f
radial factor, 736–740, 744f
self-consistent field method, 796–799
summary of, 759–760
time-dependent wave functions,
variation method and helium application,
zero-order approximation for
multielectron atoms, 763–786
of diatomic molecules, 823–866
Born–Oppenheimer approximation,
heteronuclear, 851–865
homonuclear, 838–850
summary for, 865–866
Electronic structure
of crystalline solid, 1171–1179
band theory, 1172–1175, 1173f, 1206
free-electron theory, 1175–1179, 1176f
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