Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

1364 Index

Gibbs energy (G), 151, 153
calculations of, 175–180
ideal gas, 175–176
real gas, 175–176
solids and liquids, 178
temperature dependence of,
electrochemical cells, 375
electrolyte solutes, 318
at fixed composition, 308–310
of formation, 279, 306–307
of mixing, 240
rate of, per mole of reaction, 305
standard-state, 306, 310
standard-state reaction, 316, 343
temperature dependence of, 335–336
differential of, 153–154
of dilute gas, statistical thermodynamics,
enthalpy and, 153
at equilibrium, 155–156, 155f
equilibrium constant and changes in,
excess, 277
Helmholtz energy and, 153
of ideal solution, 240
independent variables for, 183
Maxwell relations, 162
of multicomponent systems, 182–183
of nonideal solution, 276–277
phase transitions and, 215–221
classification of, 216–218
liquid-vapor transition critical point,
Maxwell equal-area construction,
219–220, 219f
temperature dependence, 220–221
of solutes, 279
of surfaces, 222–224, 232, 235
temperature derivative of, 220
work and, 157
Gibbs energy change of formation,
of solutes, 279
Gibbs energy change of mixing, 277
Gibbs equation, 182
Gibbs free energy.SeeGibbs energy
Gibbs function.SeeGibbs energy
Gibbs, Josiah Willard, 153
Gibbs phase rule, 199, 202–203, 234

Gibbs–Duhem relation, 151, 190, 196
Euler’s theorem and, 190–191
nonvolatile solute activity, 267–270
presentation of, 191
for surfaces, 232–233
for two-component system, 269
Gibbs–Helmholtz equation, 179, 336
Glass electrode, for pH measurement,
373–374, 373f
Glass formation, 1154
electronic structure of, 1172
phase diagram of, 285, 285f
Good quantum number, 774
Goodyear, Charles, 1201
Gradient, 1243
of scalar function, 442
Gradient operator, 352, 442
Graham, Thomas, 416
Graham’s law of effusion, 416
Grand canonical ensemble, 1122
of gas volumetric data, 24–25, 24f
three-dimensional, 6, 7f
two-dimensional, 6
Gravity, acceleration due to, 419
Grotrian diagram, 959, 959f
Grotthuss–Draper law, of photochemistry, 558
Ground state
configuration, 809–810f, 809–812, 811t
density functional method for, 789
electron configurations, homonuclear
diatomic molecules, 845, 846t
energy levels of, Hund’s rules, 789
of helium-like atom in zero-order, 768–771,
794, 794f
perturbation method for, 799–802, 800f
self-consistent field method, 797–798
variation method for, 789
C 2 vGroup representation, by matrices,
Group specificity, of enzymes, 576
Group theory, 867, 912
dipole moment and, 902–903
elementary applications of, 902–903
for molecular orbitals, 1299–1301
optical activity and, 903
for Raman spectroscopy, 988
symmetry operators, 898–899
Guggenheim’s equation, 274
Guoy plane.SeeOuter Helmholtz plane

Half-cell potentials, 361–369, 378
in competing reactions, 513–514
of first-order reaction, 490
for reaction order determination, 496
of second-order reactions, 492
Half-reaction, of electrochemical cells,
355, 355f
Halogens, hydrogen reaction with, 559–560
Hamilton, Sir William Rowan, 688
Hamiltonian function, 1272
Hamiltonian mechanics, 1271–1272
Hamiltonian operator, 659
for atoms with more than three
electrons, 784
for Born–Oppenheimer approximation,
classical, 688, 1134
for hydrogen atom, 727
coordinate wave function, 662
electronic, 825
for helium, diatomic, 842–843
in helium-like atom, 764, 792
perturbation method, 799
shielding, 793–794
for hydrogen atom, 727
for lithium atom, 781
for lithium hydride, 851–852
for nuclear motion, 919
perturbation method, 1283
Schrödinger equation, 662
in three dimensions, 661–662
time-dependent, 659–660
time-independent, 659
second postulate, 684
variable corresponding to, 688–691
for variation theorem, 790
zero-order, 765, 799, 952
Hamilton’s principal function.SeeClassical
Hammond’s postulate, 613
Hard-sphere fluid, equation of state for, 425
Hard-sphere gas, 383, 422–433, 423, 436
excluded volume of, 423, 423f
hard-sphere potential, 422–423, 423f
molecular collisions in, 426–430
average collision, 427–428, 427f
collision cylinder, 426–427, 426f
mean collision time, 428
multicomponent, 430–433, 431f
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