Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

1366 Index

Heteronuclear diatomic molecules, 851–865
bonding qualitative description, 859–861,
electronegativity, 862–863, 863t
lithium hydride, 851–858, 851f,
852t, 853f
dipole moment, 855–858
hybrid orbitals, 853–855, 855–856f
molecular orbitals of, 823
valence-bond method for, 863–866
Higher-order orbital approximations
Aufbau principle and electron
configurations, 809–810f,
809–812, 811t
degenerate perturbation theory, 803–805,
density functional method, 789, 805–806,
electronic states of atoms and, 789–820
Hund’s rules, 812–813, 819–820
of lithium, 806–808
with more than three electrons, 808–809
with more than two electrons, 806–808
periodic table of elements, 789, 813–818,
815–816f, 820
perturbation method and helium application,
799–802, 800f, 819
self-consistent field method, 796–799
summary for, 819–820
variation method, 790–791
helium application, 791–793
shielding, 793–795
Highest occupied molecular orbitals
(HOMOs), electron promotion
from, 889
Homogenous catalysis, 566, 573–575
gas-phase, 573–574
in solution, 574–575
Homogenous nucleation, 228
Homogenous of degree, 188–189, 1263
Homonuclear diatomic molecules, 838–850
alternative set of configurations, 848–849
correlation diagram for, 844–845, 845f
diatomic helium, 842–843
electron configurations of, 845, 846t
electronic wave functions of, 823
excited states of, 850
hydrogen molecule, 838–842, 838f
molecules with more than four electrons,
843–846, 844–845f, 846t
term symbols for, 847–848

valence-bond approximation for,
849–850, 866
HOMOs.SeeHighest occupied molecular
Hooke, Robert, 624
Hooke’s law, for harmonic oscillator, 624
Hot bands, 966
Hückel, Erich, 271, 888
Hückel method, 1289–1292
for butadiene, 890, 890f
for delocalized bonding, 887–890, 888–890f
extended, of computational chemistry,
Hund’s rules, 812–813, 819–820
for ground energy level, 789
Hybrid orbitals, 853–855, 855–856f
of double bonds, 878–879
of methane, 874, 874f
orbital regions of, 854–855, 855–856f
other types of, 883–884
of triple bonds, 879–880
for wave function, 882–883
Hydration sphere, ion pairing and, 331
Hydrochloric acid
activity determination with, 372
in electrolytic cell, 596, 596f
stoichiometric molality of, 329–330
vibration-rotation spectra, 967–968, 968f
adsorption of, 569
Bohr’s theory of, 646–650
fluorine reaction with, 613–614
halogen reaction with, 559–560
Hydrogen atom
central-force system and, 725–729,
726f, 728f
Coulomb’s law, 726
electronic state of, 725–760
emission spectrum of, 954, 955f
energy eigenfunctions of, 742, 743t, 744f,
760, 1280–1281
energy levels of, 738–740, 739f
expectation values in, 749–753
orbital normalization, 749–751
radial distribution function, 751–753
kinetic energy of, 726–727
observables of, 758–759
orbitals of, 741–748
qualitative properties of, 743–747, 744f,
regions of, 747–748, 748f

radial factor for, 736–740, 740t, 744f
Schrödinger equation for, 725–726
spectra of, 959–960, 959f
summary for, 759–760
time-dependent wave functions of, 753–755
Hydrogen electrode, of electrochemical cells,
354–355, 355f, 361, 362f
Hydrogen fluoride, bonding in, 859–860, 860f
Hydrogen molecule, 838–842, 838f
valence-bond method for, 840–842, 840t
zero-order approximation of, 839
improvements to, 839–840
Hydrogen molecule ion
activity of, 372–374, 373f
Born–Oppenheimer approximation for,
824–827, 824f, 826f
additional excited states, 836–837, 836f
LCAOMOs for, 833–835, 834–835f
symmetry operator, 830–832
electrode reduction of, 607
molecular orbitals of, 825–826, 826f
overpotentials for, 608
reaction diameter of, 531
Hydrogen-ion catalysis, specific, 574–575
Hydrogen-like orbitals, 741–748
computation of, 907
de Broglie waves, 743
helium-like orbitals and, 765–766
nodal surfaces for, 746, 746t
qualitative properties of, 743–747, 744f,
radial distribution function, 752, 752f
regions of, 747–748, 748f
of ATP, 343–344, 343f
of PEP, 344–345
Hydronium ion, 318
Hydroxide ions, reaction diameter of, 531

Ideal depolarized electrode, 595
Ideal gas(es), 5
chemical potential of, 186
chemical reactions of, 310–311
with pure liquids and solids, 312–313
Dalton’s law of partial pressures and, 187
equilibrium constant of, 310–311, 348
Gibbs energy calculations for, 175–176
heat amount transferred to, 62–63
for heat and energy change calculation,
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