Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

Index 1367

heat capacity of
at constant pressure, 75
at constant volume, 61
internal pressure, 168–169
Joule–Thomson experiment, 77–80, 78f
mixing of
entropy change of, 130–131, 130f
system for, 130, 130f
molar Gibbs energy, 186
partial molar enthalpy of, 186
temperature of, 111–112
thermodynamic equation of state, 167
work on
irreversible, 45
reversible, 43–44
Ideal gas constant, 5, 9
Ideal gas equation, in energy of formation
calculation, 95–96
Ideal gas law, 5
derivation of, 412–414, 413f
gas kinetic theory and, 383
in terms of number of molecules, 9
Ideal polarized electrode, 595
Ideal rubber, 1201
Ideal solution(s), 237–247, 299
components of, 237
formation of, 237
maximum solubilities in, 246–247
molecular structure and, 242–243
phase diagrams of
pressure-composition, 243–245, 244f
temperature-composition, 245–246,
two-component, 243
Raoult’s law, 237–240
solid solutions, 243
thermodynamic variables of, 240–242
Identity for change of variables, 1235–1236
Identity operator, 685
Imaginary part, 692, 1246
Imaginary quantities, 1246–1247, 1247f
Imaginary unit, 625, 1246
Improper rotations, 896
Incongruent melting, 289
Independent variable, 5
mathematical function and, 620
INDO.SeeIntermediate neglect of differential
Inexact differential(s), 48, 1237–1238
exactvs., 49–50
work as, 48–50

Inflection point, 29, 29f
Infrared radiation, vibrational state
transitions and, 949
Infrared spectroscopy
Fourier transform, of diatomic molecules,
969–971, 969f
Raman spectroscopyvs., 988
Inhibition, of enzyme catalysis, 580, 580f
Inhibition processes, of chain
reactions, 556
Inhibitor, in enzyme inhibition, 580
Initial conditions, 625
Initiation step, of chain reactions, 556
Inner Helmholtz layer.SeeCompact layer
Inner transition elements, 814, 815f
Integral calculus, with several variables,
Integrating factor, 1245, 1245f, 1261
Integrodifferential equation, 797
Intensive state
of equilibrium system, 33, 202–203
variables for, 3
Intensive variables, 13–14
of one-component system, 205
of classical waves, 629
diffraction from, 629–630, 630f
Interferogram, 969
Interferometer, 969, 969f
Intermediate neglect of differential
overlap (INDO), for computation
chemistry, 906
Intermolecular forces, 420
in gas kinetic theory, 420–421, 420–421f
Lennard-Jones potential, 420, 420f
in liquids, 435
square well potential, 421, 421f
Internal conversion, 780
Internal energy (U), 55–59, 101
chemical reactions and change of, 94–100
average bond energies, 99–100
calorimetry, 96–99, 97f
in classical canonical ensemble, 1141
dilute gas, 1142–1144
of dilute gas, statistical thermodynamics,
enthalpy and, 74–80
in irreversible adiabatic processes, 71–72
Joule experiment for, 63–67, 63f
molecular interpretation of, 58–59
of multicomponent systems, 183–184

in reversible adiabatic processes, 67–71, 68f
of surfaces, 222–224
Internal pressure, 168–169
International System of Units (SI units),
8, 621
Intersystem crossing, 780
Intrinsic angular momentum.See alsoSpin
orbital angular momentumvs., 756
Intrinsic viscosity, 1199
Inversion, of square matrix, 1250
Inversion operators, 828
Ion atmosphere, 271
Ion mobility, in electrolyte solutions,
Ion pairs
Debye–Hückel theory and, 273–274
electrolyte solutions and, 330–331
Ionic bond, electronegativity, 862–863
Ionic strength, 271
Ionic terms, 841
Ionization, of water, 320–326
activity coefficient, 322–323
equilibrium constant, 321–322
with polyprotic acid, 324–325
with weak acid, 323–324
weak base, 325–326
Ionization potential, first, 807, 816–817, 816f
adsorption of, 597
chemical potential of, 268
ionic strength, 271
long-range forces of, 270
Irreducible representation, 1294–1295
Irreversible electrode, 600
Irreversible process(es)
entropy changes, 117–119, 118f
for heat and energy change calculation,
enthalpy changes for, 84–85, 85f
entropy changes
adiabatic, 117–119, 118f
calculation of, 126–128
nonequilibrium steady states,
128–129, 129f
work and, 45
Irreversible thermodynamics, 159
Isolated system, 13, 13f, 152
Isopiestic method, for activity
determination, 267
nonvolatile electrolytes, 371–372
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