Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

1368 Index

Isosurface, orbital region, 747
Isothermal compressibility, 17
of first-order phase transitions, 217, 217f
heat capacity and, 170
internal pressure and, 168–169
of second-order phase transitions,
217, 218f
Isothermal process(es), 43
entropy changes in closed system of
reversible, 121–122
for Gibbs energy calculation, 179
heat transfer in, 62
statisticalvs. thermodynamic entropy,
Isothermal system, spontaneous processes in,
Isotherms, 28–29, 29f
reversible cycle with, 115–116, 115–116f
Isotopic substitution, reactive intermediate
detection with, 610

Jacobi, Carl Gustav Jacob, 750
Jacobian, for orbital normalization, 750
Jeans, Sir James, 642
Joule (J), 8, 622
Joule coefficient, 64
Joule experiment, 63–67, 63f
Joule, James Prescott, 8, 55, 63, 387, 622
Joule–Thomson coefficient, 78–80
Joule–Thomson experiment, 77–80, 78f

Kelvin (K), 8, 621
Kelvin statement, 106, 108, 147
Kelvin temperature scale.SeeAbsolute
temperature scale
Kilogram (kg), 8, 621
Kinetic control, for competing reactions, 514
Kinetic energy
of electron, 649
of gas kinetic theory, 392
of harmonic oscillator, 626
of hydrogen atom, 726–727
mathematical operator for, 688
in quantum mechanics, 688
Kohlrausch, Friedrich Wilhelm Georg, 480
Kohn, Walter, 805
Koopman’s theorem, 992
Kronecker delta, 709–710, 952, 1250

Lagrange’s method of undetermined
multipliers, 116, 1052
Lagrangian equations of motion, 1270
Lagrangian function, 1270
Lagrangian mechanics, 1270–1271,
Laguerre, Edmund, 737
Laminar flow, 444, 444f
Newton’s law of viscous flow for, 453
Poiseuille’s equation for, 453–454, 454f
Langmuir, Irving, 567
Langmuir isotherm, 567–568, 567–568f
Langmuir theory of adsorption, 566–568f,
Langmuir–Hinshelwood mechanism,
571–572, 572f
Langmuir–Rideal mechanism, 571
Lanthanum, phase diagram of, with copper,
289–290, 289f
Laplace equation, 227–229
Laplacian operator, 1244
in Born–Oppenheimer approximation, 824
for center-of-mass coordinates, 920
in Fick’s second law of diffusion, 449
with Hamiltonian operator, 727
for polymer formation, 1196
in Schrödinger equation, 661
in third postulate, 689
Larmor precession, 1024
Laser.SeeLight amplification by stimulated
emission of radiation
Laser probe, for molecular beam
reactions, 612
Laser pump, for molecular beam
reactions, 612
Latent heat, 51, 54
Lattice gas, 133
coarse-grained, 134, 134f
microstate coordination calculation,
thermodynamicvs. statistical entropy,
Lattice point, 1154
Lavoisier, Antoine Laurent, 4, 55
Law of acceleration, 387–388, 388f, 622
Law of action and reaction, 389, 622
Law of conservation of energy, 389, 623
Law of corresponding states, 3, 33–35
Law of Dulong and Petit, 1165, 1168
Law of inertia, 387, 622

LCAOMOs.SeeMolecular orbitals that are
linear combinations of atomic orbitals
Le Châtelier, Henri Louis, 337
Left-polarized radiation, 994, 995f
Legandre, Adrien-Marie, 733
Legendre polynomials, 733
Lennard-Jones, J. E., 420
Lennard-Jones potential, 420, 420f
Lewis, Gilbert Newton, 139, 645, 877
Lifetime of state, 715
Light, 631, 646
Light amplification by stimulated emission
of radiation (Laser), 953
Limit cycle, of oscillatory chemical reactions,
Limiting law, 273
Limiting molar conductivity, 480
Limiting viscosity number, 1199
Lindemann mechanism, 545–547
Line integral, 43, 1238–1239, 1238f
around a closed curve, 115
of Carnot cycle, 115–116, 115–116f
of exact differential, 48
of inexact differential, 48–49
Line spectrum, 646
Linear combination
of harmonics, 635
wave function, 708–709
Linear differential equation, 624
Linear laws, Fourier’s law of heat conduction,
Linear operators, 692–693
Lineweaver–Burk equation, for
Michaelis–Menten equation,
579, 579f
Linewidth, of spectral lines, 958
Liouville equation, 1134
Liquid junction
confinement of, 355
of electrochemical cells, 354
salt bridge and, 366–367, 366f
Liquid junction potential, 365
salt bridge and, 366–367, 366f
Liquid-gas coexistence curve, 3
activities of, 259
behavior of, 3–38
introduction to, 3–11
summary of, 35–36
systems and states, 12–19, 13f
volumetric, 6
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