Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

Index 1375

hydrogen reaction with other halogens,
laws of, 558–559
Photoelectric effect, Einstein’s theory of, 645
Photoelectron spectroscopy, 991–993, 992f
Photons, 645
Bohr frequency rule, 949–950
einsteins of, 559, 951, 981
electric dipole transitions and, 953
in photochemistry, 558
Physical adsorption, Langmuir isotherm for,
pKa, 332
Planck, Max Karl Ernst Ludwig, 139, 643
Planck-Einstein relation, 645, 649
photon energy and, 950
Schrödinger equationvs., 661
Planck’s constant, for blackbody radiation, 643
Planck’s theory of blackbody radiation,
641–645, 643f
Rayleigh–Jeans theory, 641–642, 642f
Stefan–Boltzmann law, 641
Plane polarized electromagnetic wave, 1275
Plane wave, 630–631
Point groups
molecular assignment to, 901, 902f
of symmetry operators, 899–902, 901t, 902f
Point symmetry operators, 828
Point-mass particle(s)
of dilute gas model system, 386, 436
state of, 387
Poiseuille, Jean Leonard Marie, 455
Poiseuille’s equation, 453–457, 454f
derivation of, 453–455, 454f
Reynolds number, 456–457
Poisson equation, of electrostatics, 597
Polanyi, Michael, 1109
Polar covalent bond, 856
Polarizability, of molecule, 986–987
Polarization, of electrochemical cell, 595
Polarized light, circularly, 994–995f
Polyatomic molecules
electronic structure of, 867–912
ammonia molecule, 875
applications of symmetry to molecular
orbitals, 894–895, 895t
beryllium hydride andsphybrid orbitals,
boron hydride andsp^2 hybrid orbitals,
871–872, 872f
computational chemistry, 904–911

delocalized bonding, 885–890
free-electron molecular orbital method,
groups of symmetry operators, 896–903
methane molecule, 873–875, 874f
multiple bonds, 878–880
summary for, 912
water molecule, 875–876f, 875–878
rotation of, 933–937, 934f, 945–947
spectra of, 975–978
electronic, 978
microwave, 975
vibrational, 976–977, 977f
valence-bond description of, 881–884
vibrations of, 937–939, 937f, 939f, 945–947
Polycrystalline, 1154
Polyesterification reactions, 592, 592f
Polymerization kinetics, 590–594, 592f, 594f
degree of, 591–592
mass fractions, 593, 594f
number-average molar mass, 592–593
Polymers, 589
formation of, 565, 590, 1194–1197
reaction kinetics of, 565, 589–594,
592f, 594f
in solution, 1198–1200
Polymorphism, 200
of water, 206–207
Polyprotic acid, 324
ionization of water with, 324–325
Position vector, 387, 390, 390f
in classical mechanics, 621
in gas kinetic theory, 387
sum of, 390, 390f
Positive deviation, from Raoult’s law,
248, 249f
Potential energy
of electron, 648
of free particle, 670
of gas kinetic theory, 389, 392–393,
intermolecular forces, 420–421,
one-body forces, 419–420
of harmonic oscillator, 627, 627f
of hydrogen atom, 726
of internuclear repulsion, 824
of liquids, 434
of magnetic dipoles, 1004
pairwise intermolecular, 1147
particle force and, 623

in quantum mechanics, 688
surfaces, 1107–1110, 1108f, 1109f
symmetry operator and, 897
vibrational, 926, 926f
Potential well, for particle in a box, 663
Potentiometer, for electrochemical cells, 356
Predictable case
Heisenburg uncertainty principle, 713–714
statistical case distinguishing from, 705–707
wave functions, 698–699
Preexponential factor, in Arrhenius
relation, 533
of dilute gas, 1084–1085
at equilibrium, 36
of hard-sphere gas, 424
molar volume and temperaturevs., 29, 30f,
32–33, 33f
of dilute gas pressure, 415
of one-component ideal gas, 187
at phase transitions, 27–28, 27f
rate constant dependence on, 487
reduced, 33
vapor pressure and total, 212–213
Pressure virial coefficients, 22
Pressure virial equation of state, 22
Pressure-composition phase diagrams
of ideal solutions, 243–245, 244f
of nonideal mixtures, liquid-vapor,
Pressure-jump method, for fast reaction
experimental, 516–520, 518f
Primitive lattice, 1155t, 1156, 1156f
Principle axes, 934
Principle moments, 934
Principle of detailed balance, 583–585, 583f
Principle of Le Châtelier, 303, 337–340, 348
buffer solution, 340
enzyme molecules and, 345
gas-phase reaction, 338
reactant or product addition with, 339–340
reaction coupling and, 345
statement of, 337–338
Principle of microscopic reversibility, 584
Principle of superposition, 669
for wave equation, 635–636, 636f
Principle quantum number, 739
Probability density, 394, 700–705, 701–704f
of antisymmetrized wave function, 768
of electron, 758
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