Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

1376 Index

Probability density (cont.)
for excited state, 773
of harmonic oscillator, 703–704, 703–704f
for helium, 794–795
orbital region, 747
of particle in one-dimensional box,
701–702, 701–702f
of particle in three dimensions, 705
symmetric, 767
for two particles, 769–771
Probability distribution, 385, 394
average, 1043–1044, 1045t
Boltzmann, 942
canonical, 1122–1124
different expression for, 1116–1117
for dilute gas, 1047–1054
average distribution, 1048
most probable distribution, 1048–1054
of gas kinetic theory
derivation of, 395–397, 395f
identification of parameter b, 398–404,
399f, 404f
macrostates and microstates, 384–386
velocity, 394–404
molecular partition function and, 1055–1063
definition of, 1055
of a dilute monatomic gas, 1057–1063,
parameterαand, 1055–1056
parameterβand, 1056
probability distribution and, 1055–1063
of molecular speeds, 383, 405–410, 437
equation for, 407
mean-square speed, 409
results of, 408, 408f
spherical polar coordinates for,
405–406, 406f
for molecular states, 1043–1046
normalized, 399
standard deviation of, 399–400, 399f
three-dimensional, 403–404, 404f
Probability equations, 700–701
Probability of reaction, in collision theory, 537
concentration, chemical reactions
dependence on, 485
of mathematical group, 898
of two operators, 686
Product partition function, corrections to,
Products of inertia, 933–934

Prolate symmetric top, 934
Protease, 575–576
Proteins, 1197
Proust, Joseph, 4
Pseudo first-order reaction, 504
Pseudo second-order reaction, 504
P-type semiconductor, 1174
Pyruvate kinase, 345–346

Quantum chemistry software, for
computational chemistry, 909–911
Quantum harmonic oscillator, 674–679
Quantum mechanical operator, for mechanical
variables, 689
Quantum mechanics, 619–620
classical mechanicsvs., 620
correspondence principle of, 702
particle encounters, 767
De Broglie waves, 654–656
mathematics used in, 1275–1281
operators of, 688–695
eigenfunction of coordinate, 695
hermitian, 692–694
linear, 692
particle in a box, 663–673
free particle in one dimension, 670–672
free particle in three dimensions,
one-dimensional, 663–666, 664f
Schrödinger equation and de Broglie
waves, 666–667
specification of state of, 668–669
in three-dimensions, 669–670, 669f,
time-dependent wave function, 668
postulates of, 683–722
fifth, 683, 717–720, 722
first, 683–684, 721
fourth, 683, 696–710, 721–722
second, 683–684, 721
summary for, 721–722
third, 683–695, 721
uncertainty principle of Heisenburg,
quantum harmonic oscillator, 674–679
Schrödinger equation, 657–663
eigenvalue equations, 662–663
in three dimensions, 661–662
time-dependent, 659–661
time-independent, 658–659

of spectroscopic transitions, 951–955,
summary for, 680–681
Quantum numbers, 643, 648, 774
of hydrogen atoms, 739
translational, 916
types of, 739
Quantum statistical mechanics
molecular partition function
calculation of, 1064–1075
probability distribution, 1055–1063
postulates of, 1042–1043
probability distribution
for dilute gas, 1047–1054
molecular partition function, 1055–1063
for molecular states, 1039–1077
of simple model system, 1040–1046
summary for, 1077
Quantum theory, 619, 640–650
atomic nature of matter, 640–641
Bohr’s theory of hydrogen atom, 646–650
Einstein’s theory of photoelectric effect, 645
introduction to, 620
Planck’s theory of blackbody radiation,
summary for, 652
wave-particle duality of light, 646
Quantum yield, of photochemical reaction,
559, 981
Quasi-equilibrium approximation.See
Equilibrium approximation
Quasi-equilibrium process.SeeReversible
Quasi-static process.SeeReversible process
Quasi-steady-state approximation.See
Steady-state approximation
Quenched, reaction, 982–983

Radial distribution function, 751
for dense gases and liquids, 1148
for hydrogen orbitals, 752, 752f
Radial factor
in hydrogen atom wave function, 736–740,
744f, 760
in relative Schrödinger equation, 730
Radiation theory, for unimolecular
reactions, 545
Radiationless transition, 780
Radioactive nuclides, decay of, 490–491
Raman active, 987–988
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