Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

1378 Index

Redlich–Kwong equation of state, 23, 23t
for fluid surface, 30f, 31
Reduced coordinate distribution function, 1148
Reduced mass
in harmonic oscillator, 627
for hydrogen atom, 727
in multicomponent collisions, 431
Reduced pressure, 33–35, 34f
Reduced temperature, 34–35, 34f
Reduced volume, 33
Reducible representation, 1294–1295
Reduction half-reaction
of calomel electrode, 361, 362f
of electrochemical cells, 355, 355f
Reduction potentials, oxidation
potentialsvs., 364
Reference electrode, for electrode
study, 602, 602f
Reflection operators, 828
Refractive index, 994
Relative coordinates, 726, 1272
Relative Hamiltonian, of hydrogen atom, 727
Relative momentum, for hydrogen atom, 727
Relative motion, energy eigenvalue, 725
Relative Schrödinger equation
angular momentum and, 729–736
theΦfunctions, 731–732
first separation of variables, 730
theΘfunctions, 733
second separation of variables, 730–731
values, 733–736, 735f
spherical polar coordinates, 725
Relative speed, in molecular collisions, 427
Relative viscosity, 1198–1199
Relaxation effect, in electrolyte
solutions, 479
Relaxation techniques, for fast reaction
study, 515–520
flash photolysis method, 516, 517f
shock-tube method, 515–516
temperature-jump and pressure-jump
methods, 516–520, 518f
Relaxation time
in chemical reactions, 508
in fast reaction study, 518
in first-order reaction, 490
Representative elements, 814, 815f
Resistance (R), in Ohm’s law, 475
Resistivity, 475
Resolution, in spectroscopy, 958
Resonance energy, 886

Resonance, valence-bond method and,
Response time, of measuring instrument,
Retinal, in rhodopsin, 983, 984f
Retinol, 983, 984f
Reverse rate
of chemical reactions, 486
constant, 508
Reverse reactions
in competing reactions, 514
inclusion in rate determination, 507–509
rate of, 486
Reversible adiabat, 68, 68f
Reversible electrode, 600
Reversible process(es), 16, 42
entropy changes, 117–119, 118f
for heat and energy change calculation,
67–71, 68f
cyclic, line integral, 114–115, 115f
enthalpy changes for, 81–84, 85f
entropy changes of
closed system of isothermal, 121–122
phase changes, 123–124
temperature changes, 124–126
of fluid closed system, 41–43, 43f
heat in, ideal gas, 62–63
line integral of, 114–115
work in, 43–45
Reversible voltage, of electrochemical
cells, 356
Reynolds number, 456
Poiseuille’s equation, 456–457
Stoke’s law, 458
Rhodopsin, in rod cells, 983, 984f
Ribozymes, 575–576
Richards, Theodor William, 139
Right-hand rule, 1002
Right-polarized radiation, 994, 995f
Rigid rotor, 921–922, 921f
Rigid rotor-harmonic oscillator
approximation, 923–924
Rod cells, in vision, 983
Rohrer, Heinrich, 1205
Roothaan, Clemons C. J., 798
Root-mean-square value, 451
of diatomic molecules, 922–929, 922f, 926f
population of, 943–944
operators, 829

of polyatomic molecules, 933–937, 934f,
Rotational energy
of dilute gas, statistical thermodynamics,
in internal energy, 59
Rotational partition functions, calculation of
diatomic gases, 1066–1069, 1067f
polyatomic gases, 1073
Rotational transitions
spectroscopy of, 949, 961–964, 996–997
Raman, 987
vibrational transitions and, 965–966, 966f
Rotational wave function, 924, 932
elasticity of, 1200–1204, 1206
molecular theory of, 1203–1204
thermodynamics of, 1201–1202
Rule of mutual exclusion, 988, 997
Rumford, Count, 55
Russell–Saunders approximation
for angular momentum approximation, 763,
for multielectron atom energy levels, 789
Russell–Saunders term symbols, 775
Rutherford, Ernest, 641
Rydberg, Johannes Robert, 647
Rydberg’s constant, for spectral lines,
646–647, 647f
Rydberg’s formula, 649

ssubshell, 742
Sackur–Tetrode equation, 1096
Salt bridge, 366–367, 366f
Saturated, ideal solution, 246–247
Scalar function, gradient of, 442
Scalar product, 40, 40f, 390, 390f, 1241–1243
Scalar quantity, 390, 390f, 621
Scanning tunneling microscope (STM), 1205
Scattering states, of energy eigenvalues, 738
Schoenflies symbols, of point groups,
899–901, 901t
Schottky effect, 1101
Schrödinger equation, 653, 657–663, 680
Born–Oppenheimer approximation for,
823–824, 824f
de Broglie waves and, 657, 666–667
electronic, 825
Hamiltonian operator, 662
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