Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

Index 1383

enthalpy, 74–80
enthalpy calculations with chemical
reactions, 86–93
enthalpy calculations without chemical
reactions, 81–85, 85f
equation for, 57
heat, 51–54
heat and energy calculations, 60–72
internal energy, 55–59
summary of, 101–102
work and state of system, 40–50
of real systems, 151–196
criteria for spontaneous processes and
equilibrium, 152–157, 195
Euler’s theorem and Gibbs–Duhem
relation, 188–194, 196
fundamental relations for closed simple
systems, 158–166, 195
Gibbs energy calculations, 175–180
multicomponent systems,
182–187, 195
summary for, 195–196
thermodynamic identities, 167–172
of rubber, 1201–1202
second law of, 106–113, 147
Carnot engine, 106–110, 107–109f
for closed simple systems, 158
mathematical statement of, 105, 114–121
physical statements of, 105–106
of solutions, 237–299
activity and activity coefficients,
colligative properties, 292–298
Henry’s law and dilute nonelectrolyte
solutions, 248–257
ideal solutions, 238–247
nonideal solutions, 275–280
phase diagrams, 282–290
summary of, 299
third law of, 105, 139–146, 148
absolute entropies, 140–141
absolute zero unattainability,
139–140, 140f
chemical reaction entropy changes,
entropy standard state, 142–143
statistical entropy and, 144–145
Trouton’s rule, 145–146
zeroeth law of, 110–113
Thermoplastic polymers, 589
Theta solvent, polymers in, 1198

in relative Schrödinger equation, 733
zero value in, 745, 746f
Third law of thermodynamics.See
Thermodynamics, third law of
Third postulate, of quantum mechanics,
683–695, 721
Third-order reactions, gaseous termolecular
elementary process, 527
Thixotropic fluids.SeeNon-Newtonian fluids
Thompson, Benjamin.SeeCount Rumford
Thomson, Joseph John, 640
Thomson, William, 78, 106
Three-component systems, phase diagrams of,
290, 290f
Threshold wavelength, 645
Tie line, 28–29, 29f
in fluid pressure graphs, 30–32, 30f, 33f
Time correlation functions, for liquid transport
processes, 1193
Time, uncertainty relation of, 715–716
Time-dependent perturbation theory, for
electric dipole transitions, 951–953
Time-of-flight selector, for molecular beam
reactions, 610, 610f
liquid-vapor pressure-composition,
244, 244f
partial vapor pressure, 240, 240f
Torr, 8
Totally symmetric representation, 1296
Trace, of square matrix, 1250–1251, 1296
Tracer diffusion, 461
Trajectory calculations, for activated complex
theory, 1108–1109
Transition dipole moment, rotational spectra
of, 961–964
Transition elements, 814, 815f
Transition state, 1108, 1108f
Transition temperature, superconductivity,
Translational energy
of dilute gas, statistical thermodynamics,
in internal energy, 59
spacing of, 917–918
Translational factor, 916, 931
Translational partition functions, 1057–1063,
calculation of, diatomic gases, 1065–1066
Translational quantum numbers, 916–918

Translational states, of atoms, 916–918
Transmission coefficient, 1111
Transmission grating, for light dispersion,
954, 954f
Transmittance, with spectrophotometer, 956
Transmitted pressure, in closed fluid
system, 42
Transport processes, 441–482
in dilute gases, 441
driving forces and linear laws, 445
electrical conduction in electrolyte
solutions, 475–481
equation of continuity, 447–448, 447f
Fick’s law of diffusion, 446–447
Fick’s second law of diffusion, 449–452,
Fourier’s law of heat conduction, 445–446
gas kinetic theory of, 460–466
self-diffusion, 460–464, 461f
thermal conduction, 464–465
viscosity, 465–466
in liquids, 441, 467–473
approximate theories, 1188–1193
Brownian motion, 469
diffusion, 1189–1192, 1189f
friction, 468–469
more advanced theories, 1193
sedimentation, 472–473
temperature dependence of diffusion
and viscosity, 470–472
viscosity, 1192
macroscopic description of nonequilibrium
states, 442–443
Newton’s law of viscous flow, 444f,
Poiseuille’s equation, 453–457, 454f
principles of, 441
Stoke’s law, 457–458
summary for, 482
variables for rates of, 444–445, 444f
Transpose, of matrix, 1251
Transverse relaxation time, 1025, 1026f
Traveling waves, 629, 630f, 636–638
Trial solution, 624, 631
Triple bonds, hybrid orbitals of, 879–880
Triple point, 27–28, 27f, 206, 260f
Trivial solution, 1287
Trough, of classical waves, 629
Trouton’s rule, 145–146
Vapor pressure and, 212
Tunneling, 677, 703–704, 704f
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