Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

Index 1385

Viscosity-average molecular mass, 1200
Viscous flow, 441–442, 482
driving force for, 445
of hard-sphere gas, 465–466
laminar flow and turbulent flow for,
444, 444f
Newton’s law of viscous flow, 444f,
Poiseuille’s equation for, 453
Stoke’s law, 457–458
Visible radiation, electronic energy level
transitions and, 949
Vision, 983–984
Volt, 352
Volta, Alessandro Guiseppi Antonio
Anastasio, 352
Voltage (V), in Ohm’s law, 475
in energy change of formation
calculation, 94–95
of gases, graphical representation,
24–25, 24f
reduced, 33
Volumetric behavior, of gas or liquid, 6, 35
VSEPR.SeeValence shell electron pair
Vulcanization, 1201

Wall collisions, 416–417
Water, 875–876f, 875–878
correlation diagram for, 876–877, 876f
dielectric constant of, 270
ionization of, 320–326
molar Gibbs energy of, 215–216, 215–216f
multiplication table for, 899, 899t
phase diagram of, 206, 206f
sp^3 hybrid orbitals of, 875–877, 875f
symmetry operators for, 894–895,
895t, 899, 899t
Waterston, John James, 387
Wave, 629
Wave function(s)
antisymmetrized, 768
classes of, 668–669
coordinate, 660
for diatomic helium, 843
for diatomic molecules, 882–883
of flexible string, 633
derivation of, 1268–1269, 1269f
of free particle, 714–715

for helium-like atoms, 765–766,
777–780, 779t
for hydrogen atom
central force system, 726–729
radial factor, 736–740, 744f
linear combination, 708–709
nodes and energy of, 667
normalization of, 697–698
orbitals, 725, 741
excited states, 772–773
ground states, 768–771
of hydrogen-like atoms, 741–748
position measurements for, 699–700
predictable case and statistical case,
distinguishing, 705–707
for quantum harmonic oscillator, 676
rotational, 924
Schrödinger equation, 662–663
state and, 668
symmetry operations on, 930–932
time-dependent, 659
for free particle in one dimension, 672
of hydrogen atom, 753–755
for particle in a box, 668
for traveling wave, 636–637
two electrons, 766–767, 776–780, 779t
for variation method, 790
vibrational, 924
zero-order, 799
Wave numbers, 928, 962
Wave theory, of electromagnetic radiation,
638–639, 639f
of classical waves, 629
for flexible string, 634
of traveling waves, 637–638
Wave-particle duality
of light, 646
of particles, 656
Weak acid, 319
conjugate base of, 325
ionization of water with, 323–324
Weak base, 325
conjugate acid of, 325
ionization of water with, 325–326
Wien’s law, for blackbody radiation, 643
Work (w), 40–50
on closed fluid system, 41–43
in closed simple system, 156–157
compression, 42, 47

constant-pressure processes, 45–46
displacement with, 41, 41f
enthalpy and, 83–84
expansion processes, 46–47
as inexact differential, 48–50
mechanical, 40–41
in nonsimple system, 157
reversible, 43–45
in statistical mechanics, 1117
Work function.SeeHelmholtz energy

X-ray diffraction, of solids, 1158–1161,
1159f, 1161f

Zeigler-Natta catalyst, for rubber
formation, 589
Zero differential overlap, 906
Zero matrix, 1251
Zeroeth law of thermodynamics.See
Thermodynamics, zeroeth law of
Zero-order approximation
for diatomic helium, 843
for helium-like atom, 765
angular momentum of helium atom,
excited state, 772–773
ground state, 768–771, 794, 794f
probability density, 769–771
for hydrogen molecule, 839–840
for lithium atom, 781–783
for lithium hydride, 851–852
for more than three electrons,
for multielectron atoms, 763–786
excited states of helium atom,
Pauli exclusion principle, 766–768
summary for, 786
Zero-order energy eigenvalue, 799
Zero-order Hamiltonian, 765, 799, 952
Zero-order reactions
heterogenously catalyzed, 570
rate law for, 494
test for
half-life, 496
integrated rate laws, 495, 495f
method of initial rates, 497, 497f
Zero-order wave function, 799
degeneracy of, 804
Zone refining, 285–286
Zustandsumme, 1056, 1125
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