Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

308 7 Chemical Equilibrium



G◦m−Hm,298◦ ◦



⎠(298.15 K)2(213.795JK−^1 mol−^1 )

− 2

197 .653JK−^1 mol−^1


− 205 .147JK−^1 mol−^1
(298.15 K)(− 0 .172863 kJ K−^1 mol−^1 )
− 51 .539 kJ mol−^1

∆G◦∆H◦ 298 −T∆




− 565 .990 kJ mol−^1 + 51 .539 kJ mol−^1
− 514 .451 kJ mol−^1

Exercise 7.1
a.Using Gibbs energy changes of formation from Table A.8, calculate∆G◦at 298.15 K for the

PCl 5 (g)PCl 3 (g)+Cl 2 (g)

b.Calculate∆H◦and∆S◦at 298.15 K for the same reaction.
c.Calculate∆G◦at 298.15 K for the same reaction using Eq. (7.1-15). Compare with the answer
of part a.
d.Calculate∆G◦at 298.15 K for the same reaction using values of−(G◦m−Hm,298◦ )/Tand
the value of∆H◦.

The Gibbs Energy Change at Fixed Composition

Using the identity that a sum of logarithms is equal to the logarithm of a product, we
write Eq. (7.1-12) in the form




∆G◦+RTln(Q) (7.1-16)


Qav 11 av 22 ···avcc


i 1

avii (7.1-17)

The notationΠdenotes a product of factors, just asΣdenotes a sum of terms. The
quantityQis called theactivity quotient. It is called a quotient because the factors for
reactants have negative exponents.
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