Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1
354 8 The Thermodynamics of Electrochemical Systems


Section 8.1: The Chemical Potential and the Electric

8.1Assume that the electric field in a region near a phase
boundary in an electrochemical cell is equal to
1. 0 × 107 Vm−^1. Find the magnitude of the concentration
gradient (derivative of the concentration with respect to
position) of a univalent ion that is necessary to make the
total chemical potential uniform if the concentration of the
ion is 0.100 mol L−^1 and the temperature is 298.15 K.
8.2Assume that the concentration of Cd^2 +ions varies from a
value of 0.0100 mol L−^1 near a cadmium electrode to a

value of 0.100 mol L−^1 at a distance of 8.0 nm from the
first position. Find the electric potential difference between
these two positions.
8.3Assume that the equilibrium concentration of Ag+ions
near an electrode varies from a value of 0.0010 mol L−^1 at
the electrode to a value of 0.100 mol L−^1 at a distance of
5.0 nm from the electrode.
a.Find the difference in electric potential between a
location at the electrode and at a distance of 5.0 nm
from the electrode.
b.Find the electric field in this region.

8.2 Electrochemical Cells

Anelectric currentis the passage of charged particles. A current in a metal is the passage
of electrons, and a current in an electrolyte solution is the passage of ions. An electro-
chemical cell is a device in which the passage of an electric current is accompanied
by the progress of an oxidation-reduction reaction in the cell. In anelectrolytic cella
current is passed through the cell by an external voltage, causing an otherwise nonspon-
taneous chemical reaction to proceed. In agalvanic cellthe progress of a spontaneous
chemical reaction causes an electric current to flow.

Galvanic cells are named for Luigi
Galvani, 1737–1798, an Italian
anatomist who showed that electricity
caused frog muscles to contract and
that dissimilar metals in contact with the
muscle tissue could produce an electric
current. They are also called voltaic
cells after Alessandro Volta.

Anequilibrium electrochemical cellis at the state between an electrolytic cell and
a galvanic cell. The tendency of a spontaneous reaction to push a current through
the eternal circuit is exactly balanced by an external voltage that is called acounter
electromotive forceorcounter that no current flows. If this counter voltage is
increased the cell becomes an electrolytic cell and if it is decreased the cell becomes a
galvanic cell.
Electrochemical cells always contain several phases. There are two or moreelec-
trodesmade of materials that conduct electrons (usually metals or graphite). These
electrodes can be connected to an external circuit atterminals. There must be at least
one electrolyte solution in contact with each electrode. Under certain conditions sol-
vated electrons can occur at low concentrations in solutions,^1 but we will consider
uncombined electrons to be insoluble in electrolyte solutions and to occur only in
the electrodes. The materials of the electrodes are insoluble in the solutions, and the
components of the solutions are insoluble in the electrodes.
Figure 8.2 schematically depicts a particular electrochemical cell. A figure such as
this is called acell diagram. This cell belongs to a class calledcells without liquid
junction, which means that both electrodes are in contact with the same solution. If a
cell contains two different solutions in contact with each other the interface between
the solutions is called aliquid junction. The electrode at the left in Figure 8.2 is a
hydrogen electrode. It has a platinum surface that has been “platinized” (plated with

(^1) L. Kevan and B. Webster, eds.,Electron-Solvent and Anion-Solvent Interactions, Elsevier, New York,

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