Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1
386 9 Gas Kinetic Theory: The Molecular Theory of Dilute Gases at Equilibrium

Exercise 9.2
For the quiz scores in Exercise 9.1, find the mean of the squares of the scores



i 1

piw^2 i

and the square root of the mean of the squares, called theroot-mean-square (rms)value, denoted


Section 9.1: Macroscopic and Microscopic States of
Macroscopic Systems

9.1A set of people has the following distribution of annual

Annual income/$ Number of people

33,000 12
34,000 15
35,000 18
36,000 24
37,000 19
38,000 20
39,000 12
40,000 8
55,000 2
95,000 3

a.Find the probability of each income.
b.The median of a set of numbers is defined such that
half of the members of the set are greater than or
equal to the median, and half are less than or equal to
the median. Find the median income of this set of
c.Find the mean income.
d.Find the root-mean-square income.

e.Find the mode.
f.Explain any differences between these average values.
9.2A group of people has the following distribution of annual

Annual income/$ Number of people

32,000 2
34,000 5
36,000 13
38,000 24
40,000 26
42,000 20
44,000 12
50,000 8
65,000 3
95,000 2

a.Find the probability of each income.
b.Find the median income of our set of people.
c.Find the mean income.
d.Find the root-mean-square income.
e.Find the mode.
f.Explain any differences between these average values.

9.2 A Model System to Represent a Dilute Gas

Adilute gasis a gas at a low enough pressure that it obeys the ideal gas law to an
adequate approximation. We now define a model system to represent a dilute gas of a
single monatomic substance:

  1. The system consists of a large number,N, of identical particles, each with massm.

  2. The particles are vanishingly small in size. We call thempoint-mass particles.

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