Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

9.4 The Distribution of Molecular Speeds 405

say about the mean value of sin^2 (x) for 0<x<π

9.11 Find the mean value and the sample standard deviation for
all possible throws of two dice, assuming that all outcomes
are equally probable. Thesample standard deviationfor a
sample ofNmembers is different from the standard
deviation of an entire population and is
given by


N− 1


i 1


) 1 / 2

where〈x〉is the mean of the set. If the sample is randomly
drawn from a certain population, the sample standard
deviation is said to be an unbiased estimate of the
population standard deviation.

9.12 Find the mean value and the root-mean-square value of
sin(x) for−∞<x<∞, assuming the standard normal
(Gaussian) probability distribution


2 π


(^2) / 2
9.13 Find the mean value and the root-mean-square value of
cos (x) for−∞<x<∞, assuming the standard normal
probability distribution

2 π
(^2) / 2
9.14 For nitrogen molecules at 300.0 K, estimate the error in the
normalization integral of Eq. (9.3-20) that is produced by
including velocity components greater than the speed of
light. The following asymptotic formula^2 gives values of
the error function for large values ofz:
erf (z)l−

1 +
m 1
(2z^2 )m
9.15 For N 2 molecules at 298.15 K, calculate the probability
that|vx|exceeds the speed of light, 2. 997 × 108 ms−^1.
See the asymptotic formula in Problem 9.14.
9.16 a.Use Eq. (9.3-39) to estimate the probability
that an argon atom in a system at 273.15 K has
thexcomponent of its velocity between 0 and
20.0 m s−^1.
b.Find the correct value of the probability and compare it
with your result from part a.
9.17 Find the fraction of the molecules in a gas that have
v^2 x>
Show that this fraction is the same for all gases at all
9.18 The escape velocity is defined as the minimum upward
vertical velocity component required to escape the
earth’s gravity. At the earth’s surface, its value is

  1. 12 × 104 ms−^1  2. 5 × 104 miles per hour.
    a. Find the fraction of N 2 molecules at 298 K having
    an upward vertical velocity component exceedingvesc.
    The asymptotic formula in Problem 9.14 can be
    b. Find the fraction of helium atoms at 298 K having an
    upward vertical velocity component exceedingvesc.
    9.19 The acceleration due to gravity at the surface of the moon
    is 1.67 m s−^2 and its radius is 1. 738 × 106 m. The mean
    daytime temperature at the surface of the moon is roughly
    370 K.
    a. Find the escape velocity at the surface of the moon.
    b. Find the fraction of N 2 molecules at 370 K having an
    upward vertical velocity component exceedingvesc.

9.4 The Distribution of Molecular Speeds

The speed is the magnitude of the velocity. All velocities that have the same magnitude
but different directions correspond to the same speed. In order to obtain a formula for
the probability distribution of speeds, we must add up the probabilities of all velocities
corresponding to the same speed. To do this conveniently, we change tospherical polar
coordinatesin velocity space. The first coordinate is the speedv. The second coordinate
isθ, the angle between the positivevzaxis and the velocity vector. The third coordinate

(^2) M. Abramowitz and I. A. Stegun,op. cit., p. 298 (Note 1).

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