Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1
410 9 Gas Kinetic Theory: The Molecular Theory of Dilute Gases at Equilibrium

Exercise 9.15
Find the mean speed and the root-mean-square speed of helium atoms at 298 K.

Exercise 9.16
Show that the two ratios〈v〉/vpandvrms/vphave the same two values for all gases at all
temperatures and find those values.

Exercise 9.17
Find the ratio of the probability densities for each of the following:
a.vpand〈v〉for argon gas at 298.15 K.
b.vpand〈v〉for argon gas at 500.0 K.
c.vpand〈v〉for helium gas at 298.15 K.
d.vpandvrmsfor argon gas at 298.15 K.
e.vpandvrmsfor argon gas at 500.0 K.
f.vpandvrmsfor helium gas at 298.15 K.


Section 9.4: The Distribution of Molecular

9.20 The escape velocity at the earth’s surface is

  1. 12 × 104 ms−^1  2. 5 × 104 miles per hour.
    a.Find the fraction of helium atoms at 298 K
    having a speed exceedingvesc. You can use the


t^2 e−at


4 a^3 /^2



2 a


b.Find the temperature at which the mean speed of
helium atoms equals the escape velocity.

9.21 a.Find the fraction of molecules that has speeds greater

kBT/m. Explain the relationship of this fraction
to the fraction computed in Problem 9.17. You can use
the identity in Problem 9.20.
b.Find the fraction of molecules that has kinetic energies
greater thankBT/2. Explain the relationship of this
fraction to that of part a.

9.22 For N 2 molecules at 298.15 K, calculate the probability
thatvexceeds the speed of light, 2. 997 × 108 ms−^1
according to the Maxwell–Boltzmann probability

9.23 a.Find the temperature at which hydrogen atoms
have an average translational energy equal to
1. 0 × 109 J mol−^1 (perhaps enough energy to initiate a
fusion reaction).
b.What is the mean speed of hydrogen atoms at this
c.Find the temperature at which deuterium atoms
have an average translational energy equal to
1. 0 × 109 J mol−^1.
9.24 Find the fraction of molecules in a gas that has:
a.speeds less than the most probable speed.
b.speeds between the most probable speed and the mean
c.speeds between the most probable speed and the
root-mean-square speed.
d.speeds greater than the root-mean-square speed.
e.Explain why these fractions are independent of the
temperature and of the mass of the molecules.
Note: You can use the identity in Problem 9.20.
9.25 The speed of sound in air and in other gases is somewhat
less than the mean speed of the gas molecules.
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