Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

668 15 The Principles of Quantum Mechanics. I. De Broglie Waves and the Schrödinger Equation

The Time-Dependent Wave Function for a Particle in a Box

Equation (15.2) can be used to obtain the time-dependent wave function for a particle
in a one-dimensional box:




e−iEnt/ ̄h




cos(Ent/h ̄)−isin(Ent/h ̄)



where we use the fact that the cosine is an even function (cos(−α)cos(α)) and that
the sine is an odd function (sin(−α)−sin(α)).
The periodτof an oscillation is the time required for the argument of the sine or
cosine function in the time factor to change by 2π.

Ent/h ̄ 2 π

τ 2 πh/E ̄ nh/En 8 ma^2 /h n^2 (15.3-18)
The frequency is

v 1 /τEn/hhn^2 / 8 ma^2 (15.3-19)

Although the coordinate wave functions for the classical vibrating string and the particle
in a box are identical, the time-dependent wave functions are not. The frequency of a
vibrating string was proportional ton. The frequency of the de Broglie wave given in
Eq. (15.3-19) is proportional ton^2. However, the frequency of a de Broglie wave is
not physically meaningful. It can have a constant added to it by adding a constant to
the potential energy, as seen in the following exercise.

Exercise 15.7
a.Calculate the frequency of the de Broglie wave for then2 andn3 states of an electron
in a box of length 1.000 nm. What happens to these frequencies if a constantV 0 is added to
the potential energy in the box?
b.Calculate the difference between these frequencies. What happens to the difference between
these frequencies if a constantV 0 is added to the potential energy in the box?
c.Compare these frequencies and their difference with the photon frequency in Exercise 15.6a.
Do you think there is any simple relationship between these frequencies?

Specification of the State of a Particle in a Box

Instead of specifying the position and velocity of the particle, the state of the quantum-
mechanical particle is specified by saying what the wave function of the particle is. We
frequently say that a wave function is occupied by a system. There is a wave function
for each state and a state for each wave function. We say that there is aone-to-one
correspondencebetween a state and a wave function, and we will sometimes use the
terms “state,” “state function,” and “wave function” interchangeably.
There are two general classes of wave functions:

  1. The wave function of the system is known to be an energy eigenfunction times the
    appropriate time-dependent factor as in Eq. (15.3-17). The wave function in this
    case corresponds to a standing wave. Chemists are usually interested in this case.

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