Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1
696 16 The Principles of Quantum Mechanics. II. The Postulates of Quantum Mechanics

16.9 Find the complex conjugate of each of the following
wherezx+iy, andxandyare real. Do it once by
replacingiby−i, and once by separating the real and
imaginary parts.

16.10a. Show that the multiplication operatorxis linear and
b. Show that the operatori(d/d x) is linear and hermitian.
c.Show that any hermitian operator is linear.

16.11Show that the first two energy eigenfunctions of the
harmonic oscillator are orthogonal to each other.

16.12Show that the operator for multiplication by a function,
h(x), is linear and hermitian.

16.13Using integration by parts, find the result of performing
the integral




whereδ(x) is the Dirac delta function.

16.14Find the commutator [p^2 x,x^2 ].

16.15a.Find the eigenfunctions and eigenvalues of
̂px−ih ̄(∂/∂x).
b.Are the energy eigenfunctions for a particle in a
one-dimensional box eigenfunctions of this operator?
If so, find the eigenvalues.
c.Are the energy eigenfunctions for a free particle
eigenfunctions of this operator? If so, find the
16.16a.Show that [̂Lx,L̂y]ih ̄̂Lz.
b.Argue from the result of part a that [̂Lz,L̂x,]i ̄ĥLy
and that [̂Ly,̂Lz]ih ̄L̂x.
16.17Find the commutator [̂Lx,p̂x].
16.18a.Find the quantum mechanical operator for the variable


b.Find the commutators [Ô,x] and [Ô,̂px] whereÔis the
operator in part a.
16.19Find an eigenfunction of the following operator and find
its corresponding eigenvalue:


+ 2

+ 1

16.4 Postulate 4 and Expectation Values

The first postulate of quantum mechanics asserts that the wave function of a system
contains all available information about the values of mechanical variables for the
state corresponding to the wave function. The third postulate provides a mathematical
operator for each mechanical variable. The fourth postulate provides the mathematical
procedure for obtaining the available information:

Postulate 4.
(a)If a mechanical variableAis measured without experimental error, the only possible
outcomes of the measurement are the eigenvalues of the operatorÂthat corresponds toA.
(b)Theexpectation valuefor the error-free measurement of a mechanical variableAif given
by the formula





whereÂis the operator corresponding to the variableA, and whereψψ(q, t)is the wave
function corresponding to the state of the system at the time of the measurement.
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