Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

16.4 Postulate 4 and Expectation Values 697

The expectation value is the predicted mean of a set of many measurements of the
variable, given that the system is in the state corresponding to the wave functionΨat
the time of each measurement. As is the case with all quantum mechanical integrations,
the integrals in Eq. (16.4-1) extend over all values of the coordinates, which are abbrevi-
ated byq. We will see that Eq. (16.4-1) leads to the famous fact that quantum mechanics
often provides only statistical information.
Consider first the case of a wave functionΨthat is a product of a coordinate wave
function and a time-dependent factor. The complex conjugate of the time-dependent
factor can be obtained by changing the sign in front of theisymbol in the exponent
(see Appendix B):
e−iEt/h ̄


eiEt/h ̄ (16.4-2)

The expectation value ofAis given by


ψ∗eiEt/h ̄̂Aψe−iEt/h ̄dq

ψ∗eiEt/h ̄ψe−iEt/h ̄dq


Since the operatorÂcontains no time dependence, the time-dependent factors cancel:





The expectation value can be obtained from the coordinate wave function and is time-
independent if the wave function is the product of a coordinate factor and a time
factor. A state corresponding to such a wave function is calleda stationary state, and
corresponds to a standing wave.


There is a conventional way to simplify the formula for an expectation value. We use
the following fact, established in Problem 15.5:If any wave function that satisfies
the Schrödinger equation is multiplied by an arbitrary constant it will still satisfy the
Schrödinger equation and will give the same value for any expectation value.


Show that the formula in Eq. (16.4-1) for the expectation value is unchanged ifΨis replaced
byCΨ, whereCis any constant.









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