Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1
710 16 The Principles of Quantum Mechanics. II. The Postulates of Quantum Mechanics



j 1


k 1



j 1



j 1

|cj|^2 aj (16.4-32)

Comparison of Eq. (16.4-32) with Eq. (16.4-13) shows that the probability that the
eigenvalueajwill occur is

Probability ofajpj|cj|^2 (16.4-33)

Exercise 16.11
Find the probability of each of the eigenvalues in Example 16.19 and in Example 16.20.


Section 16.4: Postulate 4 and Expectation Values

16.20Show that the momentum operator (h/i ̄ )∂/∂xgives the
correct sign for〈px〉for a traveling wave given by

Ψeiκxe−iEt/h ̄

16.21a.Find the eigenfunctionsΦ(φ) of the operator for
thezcomponent of the angular momentum,
L̂z−ih ̄(∂/∂φ).
b.Sinceφ0 andφ 2 πrefer to the same location,
impose the boundary condition


and find the eigenvalues of̂Lz.

16.22Carry out the integration to show that the harmonic
oscillator coordinate wave function in Eq. (15.4-10) is

16.23Obtain a formula for the expectation value of the
potential energy of a harmonic oscillator in thev 1
state. How does this relate to the total energy of the
harmonic oscillator in this state?

16.24a.For a particle in a hard box of lengtha, find the
expectation value of the quantityp^4 xfor then1 state.
b.Find the standard deviation ofp^2 x. Compare it with the
square of the standard deviation ofpx. Explain your

16.25a.Draw sketches of the first two energy eigenfunctions
of a particle in a one-dimensional box of lengtha.
Without doing the integral explicitly, argue from the
graphs that the two functions are orthogonal.

b.Draw sketches of the first two energy eigenfunctions
of a harmonic oscillator. Without doing the integral
explicitly, argue from the graphs that the two functions
are orthogonal.
16.26a.Show for a harmonic oscillator in thev0 state that
〈V〉〈K〉whereVis the potential energy andKis
the kinetic energy.Hint:One way to proceed is to
calculate〈K〉and use the fact that〈K〉+〈V〉E.
b.Do you think that this will also be true for the other
energy eigenfunctions? Check it out forv1.
16.27a.Calculate〈p^2 x〉for each of the first three energy
eigenfunctions for the particle in a one-dimensional
box.Hint:Use the energy eigenvalues to avoid
detailed calculations.

b.Obtain a formula (a function ofn) for〈p^2 x〉for a
general energy eigenfunction of a particle in a
one-dimensional box.

c.Find the limit of the expression of part b asn→∞.

16.28From inspection of Figure 16.2, estimate the probability
of finding the particle in the left one-third of the box for
then1 state. After making this estimate, make a
calculation of the probability.

16.29a.Find a formula representing the turning point for a
classical harmonic oscillator that has the same energy
as thev1 quantum-mechanical energy.

b.Construct an accurate graph of the square of thev 1
wave function for a harmonic oscillator as a function

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