Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

16.6 Postulate 5. Measurements and the Determination of the State of a System 719

Exercise 16.15
Show that the linear combination in Eq. (16.6-1) is an eigenfunction of the operatorÂfor any
set of values ofc 1 ,c 2 ,c 3 ,...,cgi, so long as all of the functions in the linear combination have
the same eigenvalue of̂A.

If there are other variables whose operators commute withÂ, measurement of
enough of these variables can put the system into a known state. We say that such a set
of variables is acomplete set of commuting observables. For example, assume that the
operatorsÂandB̂commute and that they have a set of common eigenfunctionsf 11 ,
f 12 ,...,f 21 ,f 22 ,...such that

Af̂ ijaifij (16.6-2)

̂Bfijbjjij (16.6-3)

Assume that a measurement ofAgives the resultak. The wave function immediately
after this measurement is the same as in Eq. (16.6-1):



j 1

cj′fkj (16.6-4)

where the sum now includes only those eigenfunctions of̂Bthat are eigenfunctions of
̂Acorresponding to the eigenvalueak. Assume that a measurement ofBgives the result
bm. The state after this measurement corresponds to the wave function

ψ′′fkm (16.6-5)

If the variablesAandBconstitute a complete set of commuting observables the system
is now in the state corresponding to the wave functionfkm. If there are other commuting
observables in the complete set, additional measurements must be made. We will see
an important example of this principle in Chapter 17, when we will find that four
variables constitute a complete set of commuting observables for the electronic motion
of a hydrogen atom.

Information about the State Prior to a Measurement

A single measurement gives us information about the state after the measurement but
says very little about the state prior to the measurement. Some information about the
original wave function of a quantum mechanical system can be obtained by repeated
measurements if we have some way to put the system back into the original state before
each measurement or if we have a supply of identical systems, all of which are in the
same state.
Consider the nondegenerate case, that each eigenfunction of the operatorÂhas a
distinct eigenvalue. Since the set of eigenfunctions is assumed to be a complete set, the
wave function immediately prior to a measurement ofAcan be represented as a linear
combination of eigenfunctions ofÂ, as in Eq. (16.3-34):



j 1

cj(prior)fj (16.6-6)
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