Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

17.2 The Relative Schrödinger Equation. Angular Momentum 735

TheYlmfunctions and the possible values ofL^2 andLzare the same for any
central-force system, no matter what the potential energy functionV(r) is. In a later
chapter we will study a model for the rotation of a diatomic molecule that is a central-
force system. The angular momentum of this model takes on the same values as that
of the hydrogen atom.


Show that̂Hrel,̂L^2 , and̂Lzcommute with each other.

Ĥrel−h ̄

2 μr^2




2 μr^2

̂L^2 +V(r)

̂L^2 −h ̄^2





sin^2 (θ)



̂Lzh ̄


Ĥrelcommutes witĥL^2 becausêL^2 commutes with itself and contains nordependence
while the other terms in̂Hrelcontain noθorφdependence.̂Lzcommutes witĥL^2 because
the first term in̂L^2 contains noφdependence, and

commutes with
sin^2 (θ)



commutes witĥLzif̂L^2 commutes witĥLz, since the first term inĤrcontains noφ

SinceĤrel,̂Lz, and̂L^2 commute with each other, they can possess a common set
of eigenfunctions. That is, the energy eigenfunctions can also be eigenfunctions of
thêLzand̂L^2 operators. The magnitude of the angular momentum and itszcom-
ponent will simultaneously have predictable values if the wave function is an eigen-
function of botĥL^2 and̂Lz. The operatorŝLx,̂Ly, and̂Lzdo not commute with
each other, so these three operators cannot have a full set of common eigenfunctions.
Only statistical predictions can be made aboutLxandLyif the wave function is an
eigenfunction of̂Lz.
Figure 17.4 depicts the possible angular momentum values for the case thatl2,
for which√ mcan take on the values 2, 1, 0,−1, and−2. The magnitude ofLis
6 h ̄ 2. 4495 h ̄, and the possible values ofLzare 2h ̄,h ̄,0,−h ̄, and− 2 h ̄. If the angular
momentum vector is measured without experimental error, it can point in any direction
on any one of the five cones drawn in the figure. Notice the similarity between each
cone on Figure 17.4 and the cone of directions around which a gyroscope axis pre-
cesses, as shown in Figure E.3 of Appendix E. For a given value ofl, there are 2l+ 1
cones, one for each possible value ofm. If the wave function is known to correspond
to a particular value ofland a particular value ofm, it is known which cone applies,
but the direction on that cone is not known.




m 52

m 51

m 50
m 521

m 522

Figure 17.4 Cones of Possible
Angular Momentum Directions for
l2.These cones represent possible
directions for the angular momentum

There is nothing unique about thezdirection. One could choosêLxor̂Lyas a
member of a set of commuting observables instead of̂Lz. In that event, theΦfunctions
would be different, and would correspond to cones in Figure 17.4 that would be oriented
around either thexaxis or theyaxis. We choose to emphasizeLzsince its operator is
simpler in spherical polar coordinates than those of the other components.
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