Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

17.5 Expectation Values in the Hydrogen Atom 749

b.Sketch the orbital regions for the first few energy
eigenfunctions for a particle in a three-dimensional
spherical box.
c.Sketch the orbital regions for the first few energy
eigenfunctions for a particle in a three-dimensional
rectangular box. Compare them with the orbital
regions in part b.

17.28Sketch the nodal surfaces (cones and planes) for the real
and imaginary parts of the spherical harmonic functions:
a.Y 10 (Θ,φ)
b.Y 22 (Θ,φ)
c.Y 31 (Θ,φ)
d.Y 21 (Θ,φ)

17.29Sketch the nodal surfaces (cones and planes) for the real
and imaginary parts of the spherical harmonic functions:
a.Y 32 (Θ,φ)
b.Y 40 (Θ,φ)
c.Y 33 (Θ,φ)
d.Y 20 (Θ,φ)

17.30Transform the expression forΘ 11 Φ 1 yto Cartesian
coordinates. Show that this function is an eigenfunction
of the operator̂Lyand find its eigenvalue.
17.31Draw rough graphs of the following pairs of functions
and argue from the graphs that the functions are
orthogonal to each other:
a.Θ 00 (θ) andΘ 10 (θ)
b.Θ 11 (θ) andΘ 21 (θ)
c.Φ 2 xandΦ 3 y
17.32Calculate the angle between thezaxis and each of the
cones of possible directions of the orbital angular
momentum forl2.
17.33Find the ratio of the magnitude of the orbital angular
momentum to the maximum value of itszcomponent for
each of the casesl1, 2, 3, and 4.
17.34a.Draw a rough picture of the nodal surfaces of each of
the real 3dorbitals. From these, draw rough pictures
of the orbital regions.
b.Do the same for the complex 3dorbitals
(eigenfunctions of̂Lz).

17.5 Expectation Values in the Hydrogen Atom

For stationary states the expectation value for an error-free measurement of a mechan-
ical variableAis given by Eq. (16.4-4)





If the wave function is normalized, the denominator in this equation is equal to unity
and can be omitted.

Normalization of the Hydrogen Atom Orbitals

For motion of one particle in three dimensions, normalization in Cartesian coordinates
means that













|ψ(x,y,z)|^2 d^3 r 1



d^3 rdxdydz (Cartesian coordinates) (17.5-3)
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