Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

17.7 The Intrinsic Angular Momentum of the Electron. “Spin” 759

commuting observables can put a system into a known state. The four observables,
E,L^2 ,Lz, andSz, form a complete set of commuting observables for the hydrogen
atom. Assume that we can measure the energy without any experimental error. The
outcome must be an eigenvalue ofĤ, and let us assume that the outcome isE 3 , equal
to (− 13 .6eV)/ 32 −1.511 eV. After the measurement, the wave function must be a
linear combination of all of the energy eigenfunctions in the 3s,3p, and 3dsubshells,
all of which correspond to the correct energy eigenvalue. There are 18 such wave
Assume that we now measureL^2 and that the outcome is 6h ̄^2 , which means that after
the measurement the wave function is a linear combination of all energy eigenfunctions
withn3 andl2 (all of the states in the 3dsubshell). There are 10 spin orbitals in the
3 dsubshell. Now assume that we measureLzand obtain the value 2h ̄, corresponding
tom2. This means that the wave function is now a linear combination ofψ 322 αand
ψ 322 β. Now assume that we measureSzand obtain the resulth/ ̄ 2. This means that we
have put the hydrogen atom into the state corresponding toψ 322 α. Since there were
four quantum numbers to be determined, we needed four commuting operators to put
the hydrogen atom into a known state. We do not have any information about the state
before the measurements, except that it could be represented by a linear combination
in which the coefficient of theψ 322 αstate is nonzero.


Section 17.7: The Intrinsic Angular Momentum
of the Electron. “Spin”

17.40Calculate the expectation value of the square of the speed
of the electron in a hydrogen-like atom withZ26 (an
Fe^25 +ion) in the 1sstate, and from this calculate the
root-mean-square speed. Compare this speed with the
speed of light and with the root-mean-square speed of the
electron in a hydrogen atom from Example 17.9.

17.41If the spin angular momentum is known to lie somewhere
in the cone of possible directions forms 1 /2, and the
orbital angular momentum is known to lie somewhere in
the cone of possible directions form1, what is the

largest angle possible between the two angular
momentum vectors? What is the smallest angle?
17.42The standard model of subatomic particles does not
ascribe any internal structure to the electron. The “string
theory” asserts that all fundamental particles consist of
patterns of vibration of tiny string-like objects that are the
true fundamental particles. These strings have size in the
range of 10−^35 m. Pretend that the electron is an object of
mass equal to the mass of an electron moving in a circular
orbit of radius 1× 10 −^35 m. Find its apparent speed in
this orbit, given the magnitude of the spin angular
momentum. Compare this apparent speed with the speed
of light.

Summary of the Chapter

The time-independent Schrödinger equation for a hydrogen atom was separated into
a one-particle Schrödinger equation for the motion of the center of mass of the two
particles and a one-particle Schrödinger equation for the motion of the electron relative
to the nucleus. The motion of the center of mass is the same as that of a free particle.
The Schrödinger equation for the relative motion was solved by separation of variables
in spherical polar coordinates, assuming the trial function

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