Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

18.2 The Indistinguishability of Electrons and the Pauli Exclusion Principle 767

If the wave function is a product of two orbitals as in Eq. (18.1-6) the probability
density for two particles is the product of two one-particle probability densities:

|Ψ(1, 2)|^2 |ψ 1 (1)|^2 |ψ 2 (2)|^2 (18.2-2)

Although we have obtained a wave function that satisfies our zero-order Schrödinger
equation and the appropriate boundary conditions, it must be modified to conform to
a new condition, which is required to obtain adequate agreement with experiment:
Identical particles are inherently indistinguishable from each other.This condition is
plausible because of the uncertainty principle, which makes exact trajectories impos-
sible to specify. If two identical particles approach each other closely it might not be
possible to tell which is which after the encounter. Figure 18.2 shows two encounters
that could be distinguished from each other if classical mechanics were valid, but which
might not be distinguished according to quantum mechanics, because of the combined
uncertainties of position and momentum.






Figure 18.2 Two Encounters of
Classical Particles.

Our theory must not include anything that would allow us to distinguish one particle
from another of the same kind. In a helium atom the probability of finding electron 1
at location 1 and finding electron 2 at location 2 must equal the probability of finding
electron 1 at location 2 and finding electron 2 at location 1. Any difference in these two
probabilities could give an illusory means of distinguishing the particles. We say that
the probability densityΨ*Ψmust besymmetricwith respect to interchange of the two
particles’ coordinates:

Ψ(1, 2)∗Ψ(1, 2)Ψ(2, 1)∗Ψ(2, 1) (18.2-3)

The labels in this equation mean that in the function on the right-hand sider 2 ,θ 2 , and
φ 2 are placed in the formula for the wave function wherer 1 ,θ 1 , andφ 1 were in the
formula on the left-hand side, and vice versa.
There are two ways to satisfy Eq. (18.2-3). Either the wave function can be
symmetricwith respect to interchange of the particles:

Ψ(1, 2)Ψ(2, 1) (symmetric wave function) (18.2-4)

or the wave function can beantisymmetricwith respect to interchange of the particles:

Ψ(1, 2)−Ψ(2, 1) (antisymmetric wave function) (18.2-5)

Particles that require symmetric wave functions as in Eq. (18.2-4) are calledbosons,
and particles that require antisymmetric wave functions as in Eq. (18.2-5) are called
fermions. Electrons are experimentally found to be fermions, as are protons and neu-
trons. Photons are bosons, as are nuclei containing an even number of nucleons (protons
and neutrons). All fermions have spin quantum numbers that are equal to half-integers,
whereas bosons have spin quantum numbers equal to integers.

Bosons are named for Satyendra Nath
Bose, 1894–1974, an Indian physicist
who gained early recognition for
deriving Planck’s black-body radiation
by assuming that photons are bosons.
Fermions are named for Enrico Fermi,
1901–1954, an Italian-American
physicist who was well known for his
work on nuclear fission and who
received the 1938 Nobel Prize in
physics for his work on neutron

The simplest way to make a two-electron orbital wave function satisfy the antisym-
metrization requirement is to add a second term that is the negative of the first term
with the coordinate labels interchanged, giving

Ψ(1, 2)C[ψ 1 (1)ψ 2 (2)−ψ 2 (1)ψ 1 (2)] (18.2-6)
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