Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

18.3 The Ground State of the Helium Atom in Zero Order 771

orthogonality of the spin functions and gives unity for the first and fourth terms by the
normalization of the spin functions. We obtain
Probability of finding
electron 1 ind^3 r 1




|ψ 100 ∗(1)|^2 [α∗(1)α(1)+β∗(1)β(1)]d^3 r 1 (18.3-11)

We interpret this to mean that the probability of finding the particle in the volume
elementd^3 r 1 with spin up is the factor multiplying the termα∗(1)α(1):
Probability of finding electron 1
ind^3 r 1 with spin up




|ψ 100 ∗(1)|^2 d^3 r 1 (18.3-12)

The probability of finding the particle in this volume elementd^3 r 1 with spin down
is the factor multiplying the termβ∗(1)β(1). It has the same value as the result in
Eq. (18.3-12). The probability of finding either spin irrespective of location is equal
to 1/2. For much of our work with probability densities we can ignore the spins of the
The energy eigenvalue for our zero-order ground-state wave function is the sum of
two hydrogen-like orbital energies forn1:

E(0) 1 s 1 sE 1 (HL)+E 1 (HL)2(− 13 .60 eV)Z^2 (18.3-13)

where we use a double 1ssubscript to denote that both electrons occupy 1sspace
orbitals. For heliumZ2, so that

1 s 1 s−^108 .8 eV (18.3-14)
This approximate energy eigenvalue is seriously in error, since the experimental value
is− 79 .0 eV. We discuss better approximations in the next chapter.


Section 18.3: The Ground State of the Helium Atom

18.5 a.Calculate the expectation value of the kinetic energy of
the electrons in a helium atom in the ground state in the
zero-order approximation.
b.Calculate the expectation value of the potential energy
of a helium atom in the ground state in the zero-order
c.Calculate the expectation value of the energy of a
helium atom in the ground state in the zero-order
d.Specify which of the values calculated in parts a–c
belong to the predictable case and which belong to the
statistical case as defined in Chapter 16.

18.6 a.Calculate the expectation value of the kinetic energy of
the electrons in a helium atom in the excited state

corresponding to the configuration (1s)(2s)inthe
zero-order approximation.

b. Calculate the expectation value of the potential energy
of the electrons in a helium atom in the excited state
corresponding to the configuration (1s)(2s)inthe
zero-order approximation.
18.7 a. Use the identity
̂S^2 ̂S^21 +̂S 22 +2(̂Sx 1 ̂Sx 2 +̂Sy 1 ̂Sy 2 +̂Sz 1 ̂Sz 2 )

and the facts^1

̂Sxαh ̄
β ̂Syα

ih ̄

̂Sxβ ̄h

α ̂Syβ
−ih ̄


(^1) I. N. Levine,Quantum Chemistry, 6th ed., Prentice-Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 2000, p. 301.

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