Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

19.1 The Variation Method and Its Application to the Helium Atom 795

wherer 12 is the distance between the electrons. This function gave a variation energy
equal to− 78 .7 eV with a value ofZ′′equal to 1.849 and a value ofbequal to 0.364.
This energy is in error by 0.3 eV, or about 0.4%. More elaborate variation functions
have been used, and have given excellent agreement with experiment.^4
The presence of the factor (1+br 12 ) corresponds to a larger probability density for
larger separations of the electrons than for smaller separations. This explicit dependence
on the electron–electron distance represents the tendency of the electrons to repel each
other and is calleddynamical electron correlation. In a one-term orbital wave function
the probability density of each electron is independent of the position of the other
electrons and there is no electron correlation.
An antisymmetrized orbital wave function can also exhibit electron correlation if it
has an antisymmetric space factor like that of Eq. (18.4-2a). Consider the wave function

ΨC[ψ 1 (r 1 ,θ 1 ,φ 1 )ψ 2 (r 2 ,θ 2 ,φ 2 )−ψ 2 (r 1 ,θ 1 ,φ 1 )ψ 1 (r 2 ,θ 2 ,φ 2 )]

whereψ 1 andψ 2 are any two different space orbitals. Ifr 1 r 2 ,θ 1 θ 2 , andφ 1 φ 2
this function vanishes. Since the wave function must be continuous it must have a
small magnitude if the two electrons are close to each other. This effect is called
statistical electron correlation. Statistical correlation does not occur in wave functions
with symmetric space factors.


Section 19.1: The Variation Method and Its Application to
the Helium Atom

19.1 Prove the variation theorem. Assume that all of the
energy eigenfunctions and energy eigenvalues are known,
and write the variation function as a linear combination of
the energy eigenfunctions:



i 1


Substitute this expression into the formula for the
variation energy and use eigenfunction and orthogonality
19.2 Calculate the variation energy of a particle in a
one-dimensional box of lengthawith the trial function
φ(x)Ax^2 (a^2 −x^2 ). Calculate the percent error.
19.3 Calculate the variation energy of a particle in a
one-dimensional box of lengthawith the trial function
tφ(x)Ax^3 (a^3 −x^3 ). Calculate the percent error.
19.4 Calculate the variation energy of a harmonic oscillator
using the trial functionφ(x)A/(b^2 +x^2 ), wherebis a
variable parameter. Minimize the energy and find the
percent error from the correct ground-state energy.

19.5Using the variation method, calculate an upper bound to
the energy of the ground state of an anharmonic oscillator
with potential energyVkx^2 / 2 +bx, wherekandbare
constants. Use the trial functionφA(ψ 0 +cψ 1 ),
whereψ 0 andψ 1 are the first energy eigenfunctions of
the harmonic oscillator with force constantk. Minimize
the energy with respect toc. Assume the numerical
values:k576Jm−^2 ,m 1. 672623 × 10 −^27 kg,
a 9. 3075 × 1021 m−^2 , and takebmg 1. 639 ×
10 −^26 Jm−^1. These values correspond to a hydrogen
molecule held in a vertical position near the surface of the
earth with the lower nucleus somehow held fixed. How
significant is the effect of gravity?

19.6Use the variation functionφAx^2 (x−a) to calculate an
upper bound to the ground state of a particle in a box of
lengtha. Give the percent error from the correct energy.

19.7Use the variation functionφAsin^2 (πx/a) to calculate
an upper bound to the ground-state energy of a particle in
a box of lengtha. Give the percent error from the correct

19.8Calculate the ground-state energy of a harmonic oscillator
using the variation function

(^4) T. Koga,J. Chem. Phys., 94 , 5530 (1991).

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