Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1
796 19 The Electronic States of Atoms. III. Higher-Order Approximations


Acos(bx)if0<|x|<π/ 2 b
0if|x|>π/ 2 b

wherebis an adjustable parameter.
19.9An oscillating particle of massmhas the potential energy

wherecis a constant with units J m−^4. Find a formula for
the variational energy assuming a trial function


wherebis a variable parameter.

19.10An oscillating particle of massmhas the potential energy

wherecis a constant with units J m−^4. Use the variation
method assuming a trial function



wherebis a variable parameter.

19.11Apply the variation method to the ground state of the
hydrogen atom using the trial function



Compare your result with the correct energy,
− 2. 1787 × 10 −^18 J.

19.12The ionization potential (energy to remove one electron)
of a helium atom in its ground state is 24.58 eV.
a.What effective nuclear charge does this correspond
to? Compare with theZ′value from the simple
variation calculation.

b.What energy in eV is required to remove both
19.13. Prove an extended variational theorem, which is that if
the trial functionφis orthogonal toψ 1 , the correct
ground-state wave function, the variational energy
calculated withφcannot be lower than the correct energy
of the first excited state.
19.14.The extended variation theorem states that if a variation
trial function is orthogonal to the exact ground-state wave
function, it provides an upper limit to the energy of the
first excited state. The following trial function is
orthogonal to the ground-state wave function of a particle
in a box of lengtha:


x^3 −


ax^2 +


a^2 x


a.Obtain a formula for the variation energy of the first
excited state of this system. Since this is single
function, no minimization is possible.
b.Evaluate this energy for an electron in a box of length
10.00 Å. Calculate the percent error.
19.15The extended variation theorem states that if a variational
trial function is orthogonal to the exact ground-state wave
function, it provides an upper limit to the energy of the
first excited state.
a.Show that the following function is orthogonal to the
correct ground-state wave function of a harmonic



b.Calculate an upper bound to the energy of the first
excited state of a harmonic oscillator using this
variation function and treatingbas an adjustable

19.2 The Self-Consistent Field Method

Theself-consistent field(SCF) method was introduced in 1928 by Hartree.^5 The goal
of this method is similar to that of the variation method in that it seeks to optimize an
approximate wave function. It differs from the variation method in two ways: First,
it deals only with orbital wave functions; second, the search is not restricted to one
family of functions and is capable of finding the best possible orbital approximation.
It is a method that proceeds by successive approximations, or iteration.

(^5) D. R. Hartree,Proc. Camb. Philos. Soc., 24 , 89, 111, 426 (1928).

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