Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

806 19 The Electronic States of Atoms. III. Higher-Order Approximations

of an independent variable. For example, a definite integral is a functional that depends
on the integrand function. If we have the definite integral fromxatoxb,


f(x)dx (19.5-2)

The definite integralIhas a value that depends on the choice of the integrand
functionfand is a functional off. The definite integral with different limits would be
a different functional, since it would give a different value for the same function. We
write the functional relationship symbolically as

II[f] (19.5-3)

The symbolI[···] stands for the functional, which in this case means taking the
definite integral fromxatoxbof the independent function.
According to the Hohenberg–Kohn theorem, the ground-state energyEgsis a
functional of the ground-state electron probability density, which we denote byρgs:






Two things are needed to provide a useful method: We need a way to determine the
electron probability density without first finding the entire wave function, and we
need a way to obtain the functionalE[ρgs]. Hohenberg and Kohn proved a variation
theorem that provides some information. If the correct functional is available, using
it on an incorrect electron probability distribution leads to an energy that cannot be
lower than the correct ground-state energy. However, this theorem does not lead to a
calculational method as did the quantum-mechanical variation theorem, because it does
not specify the functional. Practical approximations must be found for the functional
in Eq. (19.5-4). Much work has been done in this area, but discussion of it is beyond
the scope of this book.^17 However, some software packages for molecular quantum
mechanics can perform density functional calculations, even if the user does not have a
detailed understanding of the method. It has been found that the approximation schemes
that have been developed work at least as well as Hartree–Fock–Roothaan methods
with configuration interaction for most molecular properties, such as bond lengths and
energies of molecular ground states.

19.6 Atoms with More Than Two Electrons

The treatment of other atoms is similar to that of helium. In zero order we neglect
electron–electron repulsions, and in higher-order calculations these repulsions are
treated with the same approximation methods as used with the helium atom. From
this point on in the chapter we will discuss only the results of such calculations.

The Lithium Atom

An application of the variation method to the lithium atom ground state uses an orbital
wave function containing hydrogen-like orbitals with variable orbital exponents (effec-
tive nuclear charges) similar to that used with helium, except that different effective

(^17) I. N. Levine,op. cit., pp. 576–592, and references cited therein.

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