Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

842 20 The Electronic States of Diatomic Molecules

density for the simple LCAOMO wave function of Eq. (20.3-5) by integrating the square
of the wave function over the space coordinates of electron 2. We can omit the spin
functions and the integration over spin coordinates since this integration would give a
factor of unity:


ψσg 1 s(1)^2 ψσg 1 s(2)^2 d^3 r 2 ψσg 1 s(1)^2


2 + 2 S

[ψ 1 sA(1)^2 + 2 ψ 1 sA(1)ψ 1 sB(1)+ψ 1 sB(1)^2 ] (20.3-11)

We can interpret the three terms in this expressions as follows: The first term is the
contribution to the probability from the atomic orbital centered on nucleus A and the
last term is the contribution from the atomic orbital centered on nucleus B. The second
term represents the contribution of the overlap of the two atomic orbitals.
We now perform the same integration on the square of the simple valence-bond
wave function of Eq. (20.3-7):

ρVBc^2 VB


ψ 1 sA(1)^2 ψ 1 sB(2)^2 + 2 ψ 1 sA(1)ψ 1 sB(2)ψ 1 sB(1)ψ 1 sA(2)

+ψ 1 sB(1)^2 ψ 1 sA(2)^2


d^3 r 2

c^2 VB[ψ 1 sA(1)^2 + 2 Sψ 1 sA(1)ψ 1 sB(1)+ψ 1 sB(1)^2 ] (20.3-12)

The difference between this result and the molecular orbital result is the factorS(the
overlap integral) in the second term of the valence-bond result. The probability density
in the overlap region is smaller than with the LCAOMO function, since the overlap
integralSis smaller than unity. However, the electron moves over the entire molecule
in much the same way as with the LCAOMO wave function.
The distinction between the valence-bond method and the LCAOMO method for
the hydrogen atom disappeared when improvements were made to the simple versions
of each method. Further improvements have been made to both methods. A generalized
valence-bond method has been developed by Goddard and his collaborators.^7 In this
method, the atomic orbitals such as those in Eq. (20.3-7) are replaced by functions that
are optimized by minimizing the energy. The two electrons in a chemical bond also do
not have to occupy the same space function. Further improvements have been made.^8

Diatomic Helium

In the Born–Oppenheimer approximation the zero-order electronic Hamiltonian oper-
ator for diatomic helium consists of four hydrogen-molecule-ion-like (HMIL) Hamil-
tonian operators:
̂H(0)ĤHMIL(1)+ĤHMIL(2)+̂HHMIL(3)+ĤHMIL(4) (20.3-13)

where the HMIL Hamiltonian is


2 m

∇^2 +

4 πε 0








(^7) W. J. Hunt, P. J. Hay, and W. A. Goddard,J. Chem. Phys., 57 , 738 (1972); W. A. Goddard, T. H. Dunning,
W. J. Hunt, and P. J. Hay,Acc. Chem. Res., 6 , 368 (1973).
(^8) I. N. Levine,op. cit., p. 612ff (note 4).

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