Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1
862 20 The Electronic States of Diatomic Molecules


Relative energies of atomic orbitals on different atoms are not always immediately
available when we want to construct an approximate description of a molecule with
unequal sharing of electrons. Theelectronegativityis an empirical parameter that can
be used to estimate the degree of inequality of electron sharing in a bond between atoms
of two elements. It was introduced by Pauling, who observed that polar covalent bonds
generally have larger bond dissociation energies than nonpolar covalent bonds. If the
electronegativity of element A is denoted byXAand that of element B is denoted by
XB, Pauling defined
|XA−XB|(0.102 mol^1 /^2 kJ−^1 /^2 )(∆EAB)^1 /^2 (20.4-15)

where∆EABis the difference between the average bond energy of an A–B bond and
the mean of the average bond energies of A–A and B–B bonds:




[EAA+EBB] (20.4-16)

Linus Pauling, 1901–1994, was a
prominent American chemist who won
the 1954 Nobel Prize in chemistry for
his work on molecular structure and the
1963 Nobel Peace Prize for his work on
nuclear disarmament.

Because Eq. (20.4-15) defines only electronegativity differences, Pauling arbitrarily
chose the value of 4.0 for fluorine, which makes the electronegativities range in value
from 0.7 to 4.0. Table A.21 in Appendix A contains electronegativity values for several
elements. Fluorine is the most electronegative element, followed by oxygen, nitrogen,
and chlorine. The alkali metals are the least electronegative.
In any row of the periodic table the electronegativity increases from left to right, and
in any column it decreases from top to bottom. We can understand these trends on the
basis of effective nuclear charges. As one moves from left to right across a row of the
periodic table, the effective nuclear charge increases, corresponding to lower orbital
energies and to the observed increase in the electronegativity. As one moves from top
to bottom in a column of the periodic chart, there are opposing tendencies. The nuclear
charge increases, which would seem to increase the electronegativity. However, each
row corresponds to a larger value of the principal quantum number than the shell above
it, so that the average distance of the electron from the nucleus is larger and there is
an additional shell of electrons to shield the electron from the nuclear charge. This
tendency dominates, corresponding to a less negative orbital energy for electrons in
the valence shell and a decrease in the electronegativity.


Using average bond energies from Table A.9 of the appendix, calculate the difference in
electronegativity between H and F.
We omit the units on the factors:
|XH−XLi|(0.102)[568−(1/2)(436+158)]^1 /^2  1 .7 (Table value 1 .9)

Exercise 20.20
Using average bond energies from Table A.9 of the appendix, calculate the differences in elec-
tronegativity between (a) C and O, and (b) C and Cl. Compare your results with the values in
Table A.21 of the appendix.
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