Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

874 21 The Electronic Structure of Polyatomic Molecules

Figure 21.5a shows a cube centered at the nucleus with faces perpendicular to the
coordinate axes. The 2pz,2px, and 2pyorbitals have the largest positive values along
the respective positive axes. The three 2porbitals contribute to the 2sp^3 (1) hybrid
orbital such that its largest positive value lies between the positive axes, toward the
upper right front corner of the cube, as shown in the figure with an arrow. This direction
is an axis of cylindrical symmetry of this hybrid orbital. The symmetry axes of the
other three hybrid orbitals are shown in the figure, pointing toward alternate corners of
the cube.

Exercise 21.4
Pick one of the 2sp^3 hybrid orbitals other than 2sp^3 (1) and argue that its orbital region is directed
as shown in Figure 21.5a.

Since connecting the four alternate corners of a cube with line segments constructs
a regular tetrahedron, the angle between any two of the axes shown in Figure 21.5a is
called thetetrahedral angleand is equal to 109 degrees, 28 minutes, 16. 39 ...seconds



xy plane
(between axes)
2 sp^3 (1)


2 s 2 pz





2 sp^3 (1) direction

2 sp^3 (4) direction

2 sp^3 (2) direction 2 sp^3 (3) direction

Figure 21.5 Thesp^3 Hybrid Orbitals.(a) The addition ofsandpatomic orbitals to
formsp^3 hybrid orbitals (represented by vectors in the directions of positive contributions).
(b) The orbital regions of 2s,2p, and 2sp^3 orbitals.
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