Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

886 21 The Electronic Structure of Polyatomic Molecules

functions for different resonance structures is the mathematical expression of reso-
nance. Neither formula alone represents the structure of the molecule, and the linear
combination corresponds to a “blending” of the two structural formulas, giving six
C–C bonds that are intermediate between single and double bonds.
Because a more flexible variation trial function must give a lower energy than a less
flexible function, the optimized energy calculated from the function of Eq. (21.6-1)
will be lower than that with a wave function corresponding to one resonance struc-
ture. In this case the two coefficientscIandcIIwill be equal to each other when opti-
mized. Various other resonance structures have been constructed for benzene, including
some with “long bonds” across the ring. Terms in the wave function corresponding to
such resonance structures would have smaller coefficients after optimization, and we
omit them.
The difference between the variational energy calculated with a wave function
including resonance and that calculated with a single resonance structure is called the
resonance energy. The same name is sometimes applied to the difference between the
correct nonrelativistic ground-state energy and that calculated with a single resonance
structure. An experimental estimate of the resonance energy for benzene is obtained
from the difference between the enthalpy change of hydrogenation of benzene and
three times the enthalpy change of hydrogenation of ethylene.


Estimate the resonance energy of benzene using the thermodynamics techniques of Part 1.
We calculate enthalpy changes of hydrogenation of benzene at 298 K using enthalpy changes
of formation:

C 6 H 6 (g)+3H 2 (g)−→C 6 H 12 (g)

∆H◦∆fH◦(C 6 H 12 )−∆fH◦(C 6 H 6 )−3(0)

− 123 .1 kJ mol−^1 −(82.93 kJ mol−^1 )− 206 .0 kJ mol−^1

We do the same for ethylene:

C 2 H 4 (g)+H 2 (g)−→C 2 H 6 (g)
∆H◦∆fH◦(C 2 H 6 )−∆fH◦(C 2 H 4 )−3(0) 137 .15 kJ mol−^1

Resonance energy of benzene3(137.15 kJ mol−^1 )− 206 .0 kJ mol−^1
205 kJ mol−^1

The LCAOMO Treatment of Delocalized Bonding

To treat molecules such as benzene or butadiene in the LCAOMO method we must
abandon our policy of including only two atomic orbitals in our molecular orbitals.
In a complete Hartree–Fock–Roothaan treatment or variational treatment, we would
choose a basis set of atomic orbitals and would use linear combinations that contain
all of the basis functions. Delocalized canonical orbitals would result, as with BeH 2.
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