Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

894 21 The Electronic Structure of Polyatomic Molecules

21.8 Applications of Symmetry to Molecular

Our treatment of polyatomic molecules thus far has not exploited the symmetry proper-
ties of the molecules. We have largely restricted our descriptions of chemical bonding
to orbitals made from no more than two atomic orbitals, and have included hybrid
orbitals in our basis functions to achieve this goal. The approximate LCAO molecu-
lar orbitals that we have created are not necessarily eigenfunctions of any symmetry
operators belonging to the molecule.
Consider the H 2 O molecule. We now construct a basis set containing linear com-
binations of atomic orbitals that are eigenfunctions of the symmetry operators that
belong to the molecule. We orient the molecule with the center of mass at the origin,
the oxygen atom on thezaxis and the hydrogen atoms in theyzplane, and with thez
axis bisecting the bond angle. The symmetry operators that belong to the H 2 O molecule
are the identity operator, thêC 2 zoperator, aσˆvreflection with its symmetry element in
the plane of the molecule (theyzplane), and aσˆvoperator with its symmetry element
perpendicular to the plane of the molecule (thexzplane). The canonical orbitals result-
ing from a Hartree–Fock–Roothaan calculation can be eigenfunctions of all of these
We begin with a minimal basis set that contains the oxygen 1s,2s,2px,2py, and
2 pzorbitals and the 1sorbitals of the two hydrogen atoms. The oxygen orbitals are
eigenfunctions of these four operators, but the two hydrogen 1sorbitals are not. We
replace the hydrogen 1sorbitals by linear combinations that are eigenfunctions of the
symmetry operators:

ψa 1 ψ 1 sHa+ψ 1 sHb (21.8-1)
ψb 2 ψ 1 sHa−ψ 1 sHb (21.8-2)

We call these new basis functionssymmetry orbitalsorsymmetry-adapted basis func-
tions. The labels on these linear combinations are explained in Appendix I. The new
basis set consists of the oxygen orbitalsψ 1 s,ψ 2 s,ψ 2 px,ψ 2 py,ψ 2 pz, and the symmetry
orbitalsψa 1 andψb 2. The canonical orbitals will be simpler linear combinations of
these basis orbitals than if we used the original basis set.

Exercise 21.14
Find the eigenvalue of each basis orbital for each of the operators that belong to the H 2 O molecule.

The LCAO molecular orbitals are written in the form

ψc 1 sOψ 1 sO+c 2 sOψ 2 sO+c 2 pzOψ 2 pzO+c 2 pyOψ 2 pyO+c 2 pxOψ 2 pxO
+ca 1 ψa 1 +cb 2 ψb 2 (21.8-3)

Only basis orbitals of the same symmetry can be included in any one LCAO molecular
orbital if it is to be an eigenfunction of the symmetry operators. Thea 1 basis function
can combine with the 1s,2s, and 2pzfunctions on the oxygen. Theb 2 basis function
can combine with the 2pyfunction on the oxygen, and the 2pxfunction on the oxygen
cannot combine with any of the other basis functions. Table 21.2 contains the values
of the coefficients determined by the Hartree–Fock–Roothaan method for the seven
canonical molecular orbitals, using Slater-type orbitals (STOs) as basis functions, with
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