Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

21.9 Groups of Symmetry Operators 899

the molecule arêE,̂C 2 ,̂σvyz, reflection through theyxplane and̂σvxz, reflection through the
Condition 1.The product of any two members of the group must be a member of the group.
The multiplication table of the group is shown in Table 21.3, in terms of the symmetry
operations. The operations listed in the first row of the table are to be used as the right factor
in a product, and the operations in the first column of the table are to be used as the left factor
in the product. The productσyzC 2 is obtained as follows: TheC 2 operation interchanges the
positions of the hydrogen nuclei, as shown in Figure 21.11b. Theσyzreflects through the
plane of the nuclei and does not move the nuclei. The nuclei are now in the positions that
either theC 2 or theσxzwould have put them, and we have to decide which of these operations
is equivalent to the productσyzC 2. In order to decide, we consider a coordinate system that
moves with the nuclei. A reflection turns a right-handed coordinate system into a left-handed
coordinate system. Since the two operations reverse the handedness of the coordinate system
as wouldσxz, we conclude that

σyzC 2 σxz (21.9-9)

A simpler analysis is to notice thatσyzis not the same asE, so thatσyzC 2 is not the same as
C 2. The action of theσxzoperation is shown in Figure 21.11c. The products of other pairs of
operations are obtained similarly.
Condition 2.The group does contain the identity operation,E.
Condition 3.The inverse of every member is in the group, because each member of this
group is its own inverse.
Condition 4.The group operation is associative, because operator multiplication is asso-

Exercise 21.18
Verify several of the entries in Table 21.3, the multiplication table for this group.

Point Groups and Schoenflies Symbols

A group that consists of point symmetry operations is called apoint group. A unique
symbol called aSchoenflies symbolis assigned to each point group. The Schoenflies
symbol of the point group of the H 2 O molecule isC 2 v. This symbol indicates that the
molecule has aC 2 rotation axis and two vertical mirror planes. You can specify the
symmetry properties of a molecule like H 2 OorSO 2 quickly to a knowledgeable person

Table 21.3 Multiplication Table for
the H 2 O Molecule

EC 2 σyz σxz
E EC 2 σyz σxz
C 2 C 2 Eσxz σyz
σyz σyz σxz EC 2
σxz σxz σyz C 2 E
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