Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1
904 21 The Electronic Structure of Polyatomic Molecules

21.61Tell which of the following molecules and ions will have
nonzero dipole moments:
a.SO^24 −
b. BF 3
c.HClO 4
Explain your answers.

21.62Tell which of the following molecules and ions will have
nonzero dipole moments:

a. H 2 CCCH 2
b. NO 2
c.CO 2
21.63Show geometrically that the dipole moment of a
tetrahedral molecule such as carbon tetrachloride
vanishes. Place the bonds on alternate diagonals of a cube
centered at the origin and with faces perpendicular to the
Cartesian coordinate axes.

21.10 More Advanced Treatments of Molecular

Electronic Structure. Computational
Our discussion of molecular electronic structure has been extremely crude compared
with current quantum chemistry practice. Over the past several decades modern digital
computers have made calculations possible that previously could only be dreamed
of. Dewar and Storch have written a review article comparing the results of different
semiempirical and ab initio methods in calculating enthalpy changes of reactions.^10
At the time this article was published (1985), no method had given accuracy that is
adequate for quantitative chemical purposes for anything but a few small molecules.
However, considerable progress has been made since that time.

Semiempirical Methods

There are a number of semiempirical methods, each with its own set of approximations.
These methods are analogous to the Hückel method described in Section 21.6 but are
more sophisticated. Some use the variation method, but more use the Hartree–Fock–
Roothaan method. All of them represent the molecular orbitals as linear combinations
of a set of basis functions. There are simultaneous equations to be solved for the
coefficients in the linear combinations. These equations contain numerous integrals,
including matrix elements of one-electron Hamiltonians such as those in Appendix H for
the Hückel method, overlap integrals, and integrals representing expectation values of
electron–electron repulsions. These integrals contain only basis functions, so that they
can be evaluated numerically if the Hamiltonian is known. In semiempirical methods
approximations are used to avoid explicit calculation of some or all of the integrals. Two
types of approximations are invoked: The first is the assumption that certain integrals
can be approximated by zero, and the second is a scheme to assign approximate values
to other integrals such that results agree with experimental data, as was done in the
Hückel method.

The Extended Hückel Method

The extended Hückel method was pioneered by Wolfsberg and Helmholz.^11 It is not
restricted to the electrons in pi orbitals and can treat molecules that are not planar

(^10) M. J. S. Dewar and D. M. Storch,J. Am. Chem. Soc., 107 , 3898 (1985).
(^11) M. Wolfsberg and L. Helmholz,J. Chem. Phys., 20 , 837 (1952).

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