Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

908 21 The Electronic Structure of Polyatomic Molecules

functions that simulate Slater-type orbitals. For example, in the STO-3G basis set,
each Slater-type orbital is represented approximately by a linear combination of three
Gaussian functions.
Since the best single-configuration product of molecular orbitals still contains the
correlation error, configuration interaction (CI) is used to improve the energies. This
means that the wave function, instead of being a Slater determinant corresponding
to a particular electron configuration, is a linear combination of Slater determinants,
each corresponding to a different configuration. The CI procedure appears to con-
verge slowly, and numerous configurations are required to obtain nearly complete
elimination of the correlation energy. Up to a million configurations have been used
in some calculations, but the use of many configurations requires a large amount of
computer time.
Most of the methods we have mentioned rely on the Hartree–Fock–Roothaan
method. The principal shortcoming of this method is that the only way to eliminate the
correlation error is by using configuration interaction, which is rather inefficient. We
now mention some computational methods that have been devised to provide a more
efficient way to eliminate the correlation error.

The Density Functional Method

This method was mentioned in Chapter 19, and has become a common method in
quantum chemical research. Detailed discussion of it is beyond the scope of this book.^18
It has been found that the approximation schemes that have been developed work at
least as well as Hartree–Fock–Roothaan methods with configuration interaction for
most molecular properties such as bond lengths and energies of molecular ground

The Møller-Plesset Perturbation Method

The Møller-Plesset perturbation method was introduced around 1975. It differs from
the ordinary perturbation method introduced in Chapter 19 in that the unperturbed
wave function is taken to be the Hartree–Fock wave function without configuration
interaction. The perturbation term is taken as the difference between the Hartree–Fock
potential and the actual interelectron repulsion potential.^19 Calculations are usually
carried out to second order but calculations to the fourth order have been done.

The Coupled-Cluster Method

This method introduces electron correlation by expressing configuration interaction in
a particular way. The correct wave functionΨis represented as

Ψexp(̂T)Φ 0 (21.10-4)

whereΦ 0 is the ground-state Hartree–Fock wave function. The exponential of the
operator̂Tis represented by a Taylor series expression, as mentioned in Problem 16.4

(^18) I. N. Levine,op. cit., p. 573ff (note 2) and references cited therein.
(^19) I. N. Levine,op. cit., p. 563ff (note 2) and references cited therein.

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