Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

21.10 More Advanced Treatments of Molecular Electronic Structure. Computational Chemistry 909

of Chapter 16.

exp(̂T) 1 +̂T+



+̂T^2 +



̂T^3 + ··· (21.10-5)

The operator̂Tis itself a sum of terms that corresponds to excitation of one electron to
a previously unoccupied orbital, excitation of two electrons to previously unoccupied
orbitals, and so on. We do not discuss the method, which is discussed in some graduate-
level quantum chemistry textbooks.^20

Molecular Mechanics

Molecular mechanics is a branch of calculational chemistry that has achieved
considerable success in predicting geometries of molecules and reactive intermediates
without any use of quantum mechanics. The potential energy of the molecule is
expressed as a sum of functions of the bond lengths and angles, using various
empirical formulas for different bonds. Different formulas have been developed by
Allinger and others, using trial and error and curve-fitting techniques. These sets of
formulas are known by different acronyms such as MM2, MM3, MMFF94, AMBER,
and so on.^21 The potential energy functions are built into a computer program,
which then carries out the process of finding the conformation of minimum potential
energy by varying bond distances and angles. For a molecule containing many atoms
the energy minimization can be a difficult problem, and various techniques exist
for its solution.^22
Since the energy change in a chemical reaction is a small fraction of the total energy
of the molecules, the total energies must be calculated to very high accuracy in order
to get a good approximation to the energy change of a chemical reaction. The energy
change in a reaction is typically near 500 kJ mol−^1 (about 5 eV per molecule) while
the total energies of the molecules might be several thousand eV per molecule (several
hundred thousand kJ mol−^1 ). Achieving an error of 10% in the energy change of reaction
requires an uncertainty of less than a tenth of a percent in the molecular energies. This
degree of accuracy is not yet routinely achievable.
There are some things that are inherently very difficult to observe experimentally,
and any quantum chemical calculation giving information about such a process can
be useful. For example, the elementary steps in a chemical reaction might take place
in 10−^13 second or less, making experimental study difficult. Quantum-chemical cal-
culations giving the energies and geometries (bond angles and lengths) of reactive
intermediates can be a source of such information, even if great accuracy is not

Quantum Chemistry Software

With presently available programs, it is possible for any student of chemistry to carry
out a calculation in a few seconds that would have constituted a Ph.D. dissertation fifty

(^20) I. N. Levine,op. cit., p. 568ff (note 2).
(^21) N. L. Allinger and L. Yan,J. Am. Chem. Soc., 115 , 11918 (1993); T. A. Halgren,J. Comput. Chem., 20 ,
730 (1999).
(^22) U. Burkert and N. L. Allinger,Molecular Mechanics.ACS Monograph 177, American Chemical
Society, Washington, DC, 1982.

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