Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

22.2 The Nonelectronic States of Diatomic Molecules 919

b. Find the change in energy if one of the translational
quantum numbers is increased by unity from its
value in part a. Find the ratio of this change to the
translational energy. Compare your values with those
of Example 22.2.

c.The first excited electronic level of xenon is 8.315 eV
above the ground level. Find the ratio of the energy
change in part b to this energy difference.

22.2 The Nonelectronic States of Diatomic

We assume that the Born–Oppenheimer Schrödinger equation for the electrons of
a diatomic molecule has been solved repeatedly for different internuclear distances,
giving the electronic energy,Eel, as a function of the internuclear distance,rAB. The
Born–Oppenheimer energy is the sum of the electronic energy and the nuclear–nuclear
repulsion energy,Vnn:

EBOEel+Vnn (22.2-1)

For a diatomic molecule, the nuclear–nuclear repulsion energy is given by


e^2 ZAZB
4 πε 0 rAB

Vnn(rAB) (22.2-2)

whereeis the charge on a proton,ZAis the number of protons in nucleus A,ZBis
the number of protons in nucleus B, and where the internuclear distance is given by a
three-dimensional version of the theorem of Pythagoras:

rAB[(xB−xA)^2 +(yB−yA)^2 +(zB−zA)^2 ]^1 /^2 (22.2-3)

The Born–Oppenheimer energy depends only onrAB


BecauseEBOdepends only on nuclear position, it acts like a potential energy for nuclear
motion, and we denote it asV(rAB).
The Hamiltonian operator for nuclear motion is now

Ĥnuc−h ̄

2 mA

∇A^2 +

−h ̄^2
2 mB

∇B^2 +V(rAB)+Vext (22.2-4)

where∇A^2 and∇B^2 are the Laplacian operators for the nuclear coordinates. The electrons
in the molecule have been removed from the problem and act only as a source of the
potential energy functionV(rAB). If the molecule is not in any containerVextis equal
to a constant that we can set equal to zero. If the molecule is in a container the collision
of a molecule with the container wall will be slightly different for different rotational
and vibrational states of the molecule. If the container is large compared with the size
of the molecule, it should be a good approximation to ignore this fact and to assume
thatVextis equal to zero if the center of mass of the molecule is inside the container
and approaches infinity outside of the container.
SinceVextdepends only on the center-of-mass coordinates,̂Hnuccan be separated
into a center-of-mass term and a relative term in the same way as is discussed in
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