Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

22.2 The Nonelectronic States of Diatomic Molecules 927

The term containing the parameterDcauses the corrected levels to be more closely
spaced for larger values of the rotational quantum numberJthan for smaller values
ofJ. It corresponds to centrifugal stretching of the molecule, which increases the value
of the moment of inertia for larger values ofJ. This effect is typically small, and the
term inDcan be neglected except for highly accurate work. The term containing the
parameterxecauses the corrected energy levels to be more closely spaced for larger
values of the vibrational quantum numberνand is a correction for the anharmonicity
of the potential energy function. The term containing the parameterαcontains both the
vibrational and rotational quantum numbers, and expresses the interaction of vibration
and rotation. The origin of this interaction can be seen in Figure 22.3b. For larger values
ofνthe classically allowed region of the vibrational coordinate moves to the right in
the figure, so that the moment of inertia is larger for larger values ofν, lowering the
rotational energy below that of the uncorrected expression.


Calculate the energy of theν2,J2 level of the CO molecule using the values of the
parameters:νe 6. 5049 × 1013 s−^1 ,xe 6. 124 × 10 −^3 ,Be 5. 7898 × 1010 s−^1 ,D
1. 83516 × 105 s−^1 ,α 5. 24765 × 108 s−^1.

E/hνe(5/2)−νexe(5/2)^2 +Be(2)(3)−D(36)−α(5/2)(6)

(6. 5049 × 1013 s−^1 )(5/2)−(3. 9836 × 1011 s−^1 )(5/2)^2
+(5. 7898 × 1010 s−^1 )(6)−(1. 83516 × 105 s−^1 )(36)
−(5. 24765 × 108 s−^1 )(5/2)(6)

 1. 6262 × 1014 s−^1 − 2. 4897 × 1012 s−^1 + 3. 4739 × 1011 s−^1
− 6. 6066 × 106 s−^1 − 7. 8715 × 109 s−^1

 1. 6047 × 1014 s−^1

E(6. 6261 × 10 −^34 J s)(1. 6047 × 1014 s−^1 ) 1. 0633 × 10 −^19 J

Theαterm is fairly small and theDterm is insignificant to five significant digits.
Theνexeterm is large compared with the main rotational term (theJterm), but is fairly
small compared with theνeterm.
The energy levels are often given in terms of energies divided byhc, wherecis the
speed of light andhis Planck’s constant. This quantity has the dimensions of reciprocal
wavelength, and its difference for two levels is equal to the reciprocal of the wavelength
of the photon emitted or absorbed in a transition between these levels. It is sometimes
called thetermof the energy level, and denoted byT.









+ ̃vexe





) 2

+ ̃BeJ(J+ 1 )

− ̃DJ^2 (J+ 1 )^2 − ̃α






J(J+ 1 ) (22.2-50)
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