Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

22.4 The Rotation and Vibration of Polyatomic Molecules 935

Exercise 22.7
Show that the methane molecule is a spherical top. Since any mutually perpendicular axes can
be chosen, the problem is easier if the hydrogen atoms are placed at alternate corners of a cube
that has its faces perpendicular to the coordinate axes and its center at the carbon atom, which is
located at the center of mass.

The total angular momentumLof any rigid object is the vector sum of the angular
momenta of the particles making up the object (see Appendix E for information about
angular momentum). The angular momenta of all particles making up a rigid rotating
object are in the same direction. The classical rotational energy of a rigid object is given
in terms of its angular momentum and its principal moments of inertia by


L^2 A

2 IA


L^2 B

2 IB


L^2 C

2 IC


whereLA,LB, andLCare the components of the vectorLon theA,B, andCaxes.
We can write the quantum mechanical rotational energy eigenvalues by replacing the
classical variables in Eq. (22.4-5) by their quantum mechanical eigenvalues. Consider a
diatomic molecule or linear polyatomic molecule, for whichIAvanishes and for which
IBIC. There can be no component of angular momentum on theAaxis, because all
of the nuclei are on this axis. Equation (22.4-5) becomes



2 IB


L^2 B+L^2 C



2 IB


From Eq. (17.2-28) we have the values thatL^2 can assume in quantum mechanics.
Substitution of this formula into Eq. (22.4-6) gives


h ̄^2
2 IB

J(J+1) (22.4-7)

where we use the letterJfor the quantum number instead ofl. For a diatomic molecule,
Iμre^2 , so Eq. (22.4-7) agrees with Eq. (22.2-18). Equation (22.4-7) also applies to
a linear polyatomic molecule such as C 2 H 2 or CO 2.


Show that for a rigid diatomic moleculeIeμr^2 e.
Temporarily place the molecule on thezaxis with the center of mass at the origin. Denote
the masses bym 1 andm 2 and theirzcoordinates byz 1 andz 2. Letm 1 m 2 M.

Iem 1 z^21 +m 2 z^22

z 1 

m 2 (z 1 −z 2 )
m 1 +m 2

m 2 (z 1 −z 2 )
, z 2 

m 2 (z 2 −z 1 )
m 1 +m 2

m 2 (z 2 −z 1 )

Iem 1

m 2 (z 1 −z 2 )

) 2
+m 2

m 1 (z 1 −z 2 )

) 2

m 1 m 2 (m 2 +m 1 )(z 1 −z 2 )^2

m 1 m 2

(z 1 −z 2 )^2 μ(z 1 −z 2 )^2
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