Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

936 22 Translational, Rotational, and Vibrational States of Atoms and Molecules

If the molecule is not oriented on thezaxis, thexandycomponents are similar, so that

Ieμr^2 e

The possible values ofLzfor a diatomic or linear molecule are given by Eq. (17.2-31).

LzhM ̄ (M0,±1,±2,...,±J) (22.4-8)

The energy does not depend on the quantum numberM, so the energy level for a
particular value ofJhas a degeneracy of 2J+1.
For a spherical top,IAIBIC. For this case



2 IA


L^2 A+L^2 B+L^2 C



2 IA

L^2 (22.4-9)

The quantum mechanical energy is


h ̄^2
2 IA

J(J+1) (22.4-10)

This formula is the same as that for the energy of a diatomic or linear molecule, but the
degeneracy is not the same. In both cases, there is a quantum numberMthat specifies
the projection of the angular momentum on thezaxis (an axis external to the molecule).
When there are three independent variables in the expression for the classical kinetic
energy, such as the three components of the angular momentum, there are three quantum
numbers. In this case, the third quantum number is for the projection of the angular
momentum on one of the principal axes, say theAaxis. This projection can take on
the values

LAhK ̄ (K0,±1,±2,...,±J) (22.4-11)

The quantum numberKhas the same range of values asM. For a given value ofJ,
there is one state for each value ofMand for each value ofK, so that the degeneracy is

gJ(2J+1)^2 (spherical top) (22.4-12)

The energy levels of symmetric tops and asymmetric tops can depend on the values of
all three quantum numbersJ,M, andK.^5 Problems 22.37 and 22.38 display the energy
levels of oblate and prolate symmetric tops.
In Section 22.3, we found that only half of the values of the rotational quantum num-
berJoccurred for a homonuclear diatomic molecule because of the indistinguishability
of the nuclei. In the case of polyatomic molecules the effect of the indistinguishability
of identical nuclei is more complicated. We assert without proof that the fraction of
the conceivable rotational states that can occur is 1/σ, whereσis called thesymmetry
numberof the molecule. The symmetry number is defined as the number of equivalent
orientations of the molecule in its equilibrium conformation, which means the number
of orientations in which the molecule can be placed and have each nuclear location
occupied by a nucleus of the same kind as in the first orientation.
The symmetry number of any homonuclear diatomic molecule equals 2, correspond-
ing to the result that only half of the conceivable values ofJcan occur. The symmetry
number of a heteronuclear diatomic molecule equals unity, as does that of some poly-
atomic molecules, so that all values of the rotational quantum numbers can occur. The

(^5) G. Herzberg,Infrared and Raman Spectra, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 1945, p. 42ff.

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