Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

22.5 The Equilibrium Populations of Molecular States 945

From Example 22.5,νe 6. 5049 × 1013 s−^1 :

E 10 −E 00


6. 6261 × 10 −^34 Js

6. 5049 × 1013 s−^1


(1. 3807 × 10 −^23 JK−^1 )( 298 .15 K)

 10. 47

N(1, 0)
N(0, 0)

e−^10.^47  2. 84 × 10 −^5

The populations of excited vibrational states are very small at room temperature for
typical diatomic molecules. However, the difference is smaller with molecules that
have smaller vibrational frequencies.

Exercise 22.11
Find the ratio of the population of theν1 vibrational level to that of theν0 vibrational
level for the I 2 molecule at 500.0 K.

The rotational and vibrational energies are independent of each other. It is a fact
of probability theory that the probability of the occurrence of two independent events
is the product of the probabilities of the two events. If we denote the probability of a
vibrational levelνbypvib(ν) and the probability of a rotational level byprot(J), the
probability that these two levels are simultaneously occupied is

pvib,rot(ν,J)pvib(ν)prot(J) (22.5-10)

The same result can be obtained by combining the two contributions to the energy.


For CO at 298.15 K, find the ratio of the population of the level withν1,J2tothe
ν0,J0 level.
From the previous two examples,

Probability(4.728)(2. 84 × 10 −^5 ) 1. 34 × 10 −^4

The Rotation and Vibration of Polyatomic Molecules

The states of polyatomic molecules are governed by the same Boltzmann probability
distribution as those of atoms and diatomic molecules. The rotational levels of poly-
atomic molecules are generally large enough that many rotational states are occupied.
The rotation of a linear polyatomic molecule such as acetylene or cyanogen is just
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