Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

954 23 Optical Spectroscopy and Photochemistry

Exercise 23.2
For hydrogen atoms at thermal equilibrium at 298 K, find the ratio of the number of hydrogen
atoms in one of then2 states to the number in one of then1 states. TakeE 1 0 (for the
ground level), so thatE 2  10 .2eV.

The classical way to observe emission or absorption spectra is todispersethe radi-
ation, which means separating the different wavelengths from each other. A triangular
prism of transparent material was first used for this purpose, because the speed of
light in a transparent material depends on wavelength. Light that strikes a boundary
between two materials is refracted (its path is bent) if it strikes the boundary at an angle
other than a right angle. Different wavelengths are refracted by different amounts, so
that the radiation is dispersed when it passes through a triangular prism. Figure 23.1a
shows schematically how radiation is dispersed by a prism. The different directions
correspond to different wavelengths.
Figure 23.1b shows how radiation is dispersed by a transmission grating, which
passes radiation through a set of equally spaced parallel slits that diffract the radiation.
The diffracted radiation moves away from the slits in various directions. Radiation
from different slits that is in constructive interference produces a beam in a direction
determined by the wavelength of the radiation and the slit spacing. A reflection grating
functions in a similar way, except that the diffracted radiation moves from right to left
if the incident radiation moves from left to right.
In a simple spectroscope, the wavelengths of emitted light are observed by viewing
the dispersed radiation. Bright images of the slit are seen at angles that depend on the
wavelengths of emitted light. If only narrow bands of wavelengths are emitted, the
slit images look like line segments and are calledspectral lines. In a spectrograph the
dispersed light falls on a photographic film or plate and a permanent record of the
spectral lines is obtained, which allows accurate measurement of the line positions.
Figure 23.2 shows a simulation of the visible portion of the emission spectrum of
atomic hydrogen at low pressure.

(a) (b)

Diffraction grating

light beam
from source

Wave trough
Wave crest
Wave front
light beam
Incident radiation Dispersed radiation to observer



Figure 23.1 The Dispersion of Electromagnetic Radiation.(a) Prism. Since the refrac-
tive index depends on wavelength, different wavelengths are refracted through different
angles. (b) Transmission grating. Since constructive interference is necessary to give the
diffracted beam, different wavelengths are diffracted through different angles.
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